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Looking for Master List of Roma and Paste Tomato Varieties for the Home Garden in 2025?  Scroll down this page and  follow the links. And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make jam, salsa or pickles, see this page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above.  If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.

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Master List of Roma and Paste Tomato Varieties for the Home Garden

Master List of Roma and Paste Tomato Varieties for the Home Garden

Roma paste-type tomatoes for canning and saucesTomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, marinara, sauce Bolognese, whatever you called it tomato sauces from homegrown tomatoes is the best!  And you can easily freeze or can it to have in the middle of winter! The best tomatoes for home-canning sauces and tomato paste are the paste tomatoes, often known as Roma tomatoes. They are the best for sauces because the have extra meaty, thick walls, and much less water and fewer seeds.  As you can see from the photo comparing various types of tomatoes (paste, Beefsteak, LemonBoy, Better Boy), they have a distinctive shape.

Whether you live in the suburbs, the city, a farm, stead, a farm, townhouse, condo or apartment... you can grow some paste tomatoes!.

Below is our master tomato sauce list, certainly the most complete on the internet (if I've missed any - tell me)and send photos of your tomatoes!

And this page explains how to easily, inexpensively grow your own tomato plants from seed, for about 50 cents per plant,

So scroll down to find your perfect homegrown tomatoes for this year's garden!

Where to buy the seeds

Click the name of the tomato in the Variety name column - if it is blue, that's a link to an online seller of the seeds. You can get more information, see photos, etc. I look for the best prices at the most reliable sellers and sources I can find, like Amazon, Burpee, etc. I use this list every year myself! And, in many cases, the se online prices are as good or better than local stores.

Plant growth

  • Determinates bear a crop all at once and stop.
  • Indeterminates keep growing and producing until frost

Days to Harvest

This is a general estimate under best conditions of how many days after your transplant the seedlings into the garden or contain until you harvest the first tomato. Many tomatoes from my home garden - One day's harvest

Tomato size

We've broken it down into the general size categories:

  • Small - less than 7 ounces, usually a cherry or pear tomato for salads - Size of a marble up to a ping pong ball
  • Medium - Usually a slicer or an early tomato 8 to 11 ounces, golf ball to tennis ball size
  • Large - 11 to 15 ounces, almost a pound, tennis ball to almost baseball size
  • Very large - over 1 lb, could be the size of a softball

Disease Resistance

See the table at the end of the table. If your area gets frequent rains and it is hot and humid, you definitely need the disease resistant varieties.

Related Pages


Master List of Paste / Roma Tomato Varieties

Click here to print a PDF version

Variety name  (click for more info
and to purchase seeds)
Type Color Heirloom or Hybrid Days to Harvest Tomato size
<7 oz Small
8 - 11 Oz Medium
12 - 15 large
>15 Very large
Plant growth
Determinate or Indeterminate.
Disease Resistance
- See abbrv key following this table
Description and notes
Amish Paste Paste Red  Heirloom 80 Medium Indeterminate   Amish PasteExcellent paste tomato
Big Mama Hybrid Paste Red Hybrid 80 Large Indeterminate   Paste tomatoHuge paste tomato with disease resistance Burpee Big Mama Hybrid
Cuore di Albenga Paste Red Heirloom 85 Medium Indeterminate moderately disease resistant. Cuore di AlbengaItalian heirloom , ribbed pear-shaped fruit, 
De Barao Paste Paste Open-Pollinated 60 Small Indeterminate   (Also called Debarao). 3-4 oz., oval , for  snacking, sauces and salads.
Fresh Salsa Hybrid Paste Red Hybrid 65-75 Medium Determinate    
Heirloom Marriage Marzinera Paste Red Hybrid 75 Small Indeterminate F1 Combination of San Marzano and Cream Sausage  2–3 oz oval paste tomatoes
La Roma III Paste Red Hybrid 76 Medium Determinate F1, V, N, St/L, A Paste tomatoClassic Roma type paste tomato, 5-8 oz, Excellent for canning, pastes, and sauces.
Little Napoli Paste Red   60-65 Medium Determinate    
Marzinera Paste Red Hybrid 70-75 Medium Indeterminate   MarzineraExcellent saucing tomatoes. Hybrid of San Marzano and Cream Sausage. 2 - 3 ounce tomatoes ripen early.
Opalka Paste Red Open-Pollinated, Heirloom 82 Large Indeterminate   Red, 3” by 6” plum tomato.
Pomodoro Squisito Paste Red Hybrid 72 Medium Indeterminate HR: F1, ToMV, V, IR: TYLCV San Marzano hybrid
Pozzano Paste Red Hybrid 72 Small Indeterminate HR: F2/V/ToMV San Marzano for  greenhouse.4-6 oz tomatoes.
Roma Paste Red Heirloom 76 Small Determinate Moderate disease resistance RomaRed, pear-shaped fruits that are nice and meaty, with very few seeds. Well-known paste-type tomato, perfect for sauces, pastes and ketchup.
Roma VF Paste Red Hybrid 76 Small Determinate F1, V, N, A, LB Roma VFImproved Roma, with better disease resistance. fruits that are nice and meaty, with very few seeds. Well-known paste-type tomato, perfect for sauces, pastes and ketchup.
San Marzano Paste Red Heirloom 65-70 Medium Indeterminate    
San Marzano Gigante Paste Red Open-Pollinated 70 Small Determinate   Italian tomato aka Gran Merito.  2-4 oz
Striped Roman Paste Red Open-Pollinated 80 Small Indeterminate   These are long, roma-shaped
Sunrise Sauce Paste Pale red Hybrid 60 Small Determinate F1, V Paste / Roma  3–4 oz. fruit
SuperSauce Paste Red Hybrid 70 Very Large Indeterminate    
Ten Fingers of Naples Paste Red Open-Pollinated, Heirloom 75 Medium Determinate   Paste-type, elongated, pointed, 5"-6" fruits, up to 3 oz, heirloom from Naples, Italy. .
Viva Italia Paste Red Open-Pollinated 75 Small Indeterminate F2, V, N, A, B 3-4 oz  red Roma tomatoes. Great for paste, sauce, salsa, tomato soup, and ketchup; and for canning and freezing.


How to save money and grow better tomatoes

Start you own tomatoes from seed!  This year the Bonnie plants at Home Depot, Lowes and Wal-Mart are selling for around $5 PER PLANT. That is INSANE! With my method you can grow your own for around 50- cents per plant!

You can also choose tastier and more disease resistant varieties.  IT is SO easy - when you know these tips and tricks. See this page


Tomato disease abbreviations

Disease Resistance Abbreviations
SC Alternaria Stem Canker
EB Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
AB Early Blight (Alternaria solani)
CR Crack Resistance
F1 Fusarium Wilt Race 1
F2 Fusarium Wilt Races 1 and 2
F3 Fusarium Wilt Races 0, 1, and 2
HR High Resistance
MR Medium Resistance
LB Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans)
LM Leaf Mold
N Nematodes
St/L Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot)
TMV Tobacco Mosaic Virus
ToANV Tomato Apex Necrotic Virus
ToMV Tomato Mosaic Virus (Strains 0, 1, and 2)
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
TYLCV Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus
V  Verticillium Wilt


Tomato disease descriptions and what to do

See this page for Tomato diseases, their symptoms and what to do


References and more information

  1. Tomato Diseases and Disorders in the Home Garden from Penn State Extension
  2. Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden Rutgers Cooperative Extension 
  3. Growing Tomatoes Univ. of Maryland Extension 
  4. Organic Gardening from the NC Extension Gardener Handbook 
  5. Vegetable Gardening: a Beginner’s Guide NCSU AG-12 
  6. Growing Tomatoes in Containers by Penn State Extension 
  7. Excluding and Repelling Problem Wildlife from the Garden U of Mass, Amherst 
  8. Epsom Salts: Miracle, Myth, or Marketing? WSU Extension PDF
  9. Soil Temperature Maps and interactive tools by location 
  10. Watering the Vegetable Garden from Clemson 
  11. Nematode Assay Forms and Information 

Prepping tomatoes

Canning tomatoes (in water bath canners )Many types of heirloom tomatoes

Canning Tomatoes in Pressure canners

Freezing Tomatoes

Drying tomatoes