2016 Shows at the Atlanta Georgia (Forest Park) Farmer's Market
This month's notes: March 2025: Stored US apples are still available. See your state's crop availability calendar for more specific dates of upcoming crops.
Valentine's Day - February 14 - See this website for Valentines Day history, facts and top picks for fast, easy, inexpensive gifts for the man, woman or children in your life!
Easter will be April 16, 2017 - if you want to take your children to a free Easter egg hunt - see our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
And we have home canning, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write me! Also make your own ice cream; see How to make ice cream and ice cream making equipment and manuals. Have fun, eat healthier and better tasting, and save money by picking your own locally grown fruit and vegetables, and then using our easy directions

2016 Shows, Exhibits and Events at The Atlanta State
Farmers Market
(Also commonly called the Georgia State farmer's market or the Forest Park Farmer's Market)
The Georgia Forest Park farmer's market has many shows, events and exhibitions, not limited to produce and plants. The shows range from birds (such as parrots, myna's, African Gray's) to ceramic dolls, and of course, flowers and plants.
Below is a partial listing of shows, with the most recent information I found. Click here#map or scroll to the bottom of the page for a map of the Farmer's Market facility.
Always click on the links to see more current information at the websites where I found the information.
If you know of an event to add, please write me! Similarly, please write if you can correct or update some information!
Georgia State Forest Park Farmer's Market Exhibit Hall Events For 2015 (Updated April 3, 2016)
For Booking Information Call: Marsha Thomas 404-366-8767
The Produce Dealers Luncheon is held on the second Tuesday of every month, in the Dining Hall.
Southeast Exotic Bird Fair January 16-17
- Southeast Exotic Bird Fair typically held in early March - 16 Forest Pkwy Forest Park, Ga 30297. 9 am to 4 pm Admission Adults $3.00 children 16 & under Free.You can go to Southeastexoticbirdfair.com and add to email list for coupons for upcoming events. We will have great deals as we will be sponsored by Lin Enterprises Inc. and Independent's Choice Feed. Please feel free to contact Victor Lin 813-431-8799 vlinenterprises@yahoo.com for additional information.
- Gun Show March 12-13
- Dept. of Ag. Marine Extension March 15-17
- Dept. of Ag. Pizza Farm March 28-31
Sophisticated Cat Show typically held in early April
Show Manager / Vendors: Angela Sherzer, aallen201@aol.com.
408 Brewster Lane, St. Simons Island, GA. 31522. (912) 634-8143
Entry Clerk: Liz Hansen, Drlizentryclerk@gmail.com.
4899 Squaw Valley Drive, Caledonia, IL 61011. Phone: (636) 734-?9233.
Please!!! No calls before 9 AM ET or after 9 PM ET! Thank you!!! -
Kroger Floral Show April 13-14
- Sutherlands Food Show May 4, 2016
Southeast Exotic Bird Fair typically held in early June.
16 Forest Pkwy Forest Park, Ga 30297. 9 am to 4 pm Admission Adults $3.00 children 16 & under Free.You can go to Southeastexoticbirdfair.com and add to email list for coupons for upcoming events. We will have great deals as we will be sponsored by Lin Enterprises Inc. and Independent's Choice Feed. Please feel free to contact Victor Lin 813-431-8799 vlinenterprises@yahoo.com for additional information.
Southeast Exotic Bird Fair typically held in early September
16 Forest Pkwy Forest Park, Ga 30297. 9 am to 4 pm Admission Adults $3.00 children 16 & under Free.You can go to Southeastexoticbirdfair.com and add to email list for coupons for upcoming events. We will have great deals as we will be sponsored by Lin Enterprises Inc. and Independent's Choice Feed. Please feel free to contact Victor Lin 813-431-8799 vlinenterprises@yahoo.com for additional information.
Southeast Exotic Bird Fair typically held in early November
16 Forest Pkwy Forest Park, Ga 30297. 9 am to 4 pm Admission Adults $3.00 children 16 & under Free.You can go to Southeastexoticbirdfair.com and add to email list for coupons for upcoming events. We will have great deals as we will be sponsored by Lin Enterprises Inc. and Independent's Choice Feed. Please feel free to contact Victor Lin 813-431-8799 vlinenterprises@yahoo.com for additional information. -
Party Cats Cat Show typically held in mid November. Partycats puts on shows twice a year. Forest park, GA in November and Temple, GA in February. These shows are open to the public and we encourage you to come visit us, and get an inside look in the world of Cat Fanciers. We are sure you will be amazed by the world of cats! The Atlanta Farmers Market is located off of I-75 exit 237. The show will be held in the Exhibit Hall at the far end left of the Farmers Market. When you enter the Farmers Market, go straight ahead (see yellow arrows) all the way until the end and make a left. You will see the signs for the cat show. Admissions:
Adults: $6. Children under 6: $4. Seniors (with ID): $4. Armed Forces (with ID): FREE.
Global Impact Ministries December 31, 2016
Links to exhibitors' (and past exhibitors) websites
- For those looking for other bird shows; there is one in April, which is NOT at the Farmer's Market; at the North Atlanta Trade Center, located in the city of Norcross in Gwinnett County, has been producing consumer shows since 1992. The date is typically held in late April see Atlanta's Exotic Bird Fair: Saturday 9-5, Sunday 10-4. Admission $5. Located in northeast Atlanta, GA at I-85 and Indian Trail just thirty minutes from Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson Airport.
- Tim Vogles Southeastern Exotic Bird Fair - It looks like they moved to the Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter 401 Larry Walker Parkway Perry, Georgia. Contact Charles (407) 855-3367, Email: charles@ebsoa.org ,
Ceramic Dolls Show - it looks like they've changed locations, too:
The Gwinnett County Fairgrounds, 2405 Sugarloaf Parkway, Lawrenceville, GA 30045
February 27, 28 2009, Friday-Saturday.
See their website for discount coupons, the Exhibitor List, Competition Info, Contract and Travel Info -
Gun and Knife Show -
Forest Park, GA Atlanta State Farmer's Market Exhibition Bldg. click here to Get a Map
Map of the Atlanta State Farmers Market at Forest Park
Canning Books, Supplies and Accessories
These are my favorite essential canning tools, books and supplies. I've been using many of these for over 50 years of canning! The ones below on this page are just the sampling of. my preferred tools. but you can find much more detailed and extensive selections on the pages that are linked below.
- Vacuum Foodsealers for freezing, dried foods, and refrigerated foods - the FoodSaver line
- Selecting a KitchenAid mixer and attachments for home canning
- Steam Juicers
- Strainers, pit removers, seed-skin-stem removers, jelly strainers, etc. All types, makes and prices (from $19 to $350)
- Cherry pitters reviews, prices and ordering
- Food dehydrators - easy and fast to dry your own fruits, veggies, sun-dried tomatoes, etc.
The All New Ball Book Of Canning And Preserving: Over 350 of the Best Canned, Jammed, Pickled, and Preserved Recipes Paperback
This is THE book on canning! My grandmother used this book when I was a child.; It tells you in simple instructions how to can almost anything; complete with recipes for jam, jellies, pickles, sauces, canning vegetables, meats, etc.
If it can be canned, this book likely tells you how! Click on the link below for more information and / or to buy (no obligation to buy)The New Ball Blue Book of Canning and Preserving
Canning and Preserving for Dummies by Karen Ward
This is another popular canning book. Click here for more information, reviews, prices for Canning and Preserving For Dummies
Of course, you do not need to buy ANY canning book as I have about 500 canning, freezing, dehydrating and more recipes all online for free, just see Easy Home Canning Directions.
Home Canning Kits
See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on Amazon See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on Amazon
I have several canners, and my favorite is the stainless steel one at right. It is easy to clean and seems like it will last forever. Mine is 10 years old and looks like new.
The black ones are the same type of standard canner that my grandmother used to make everything from applesauce to jams and jellies to tomato and spaghetti sauce.
This complete kit includes everything you need and lasts for years: the canner, jar rack, Jar grabber tongs, lid lifting wand, a plastic funnel, labels, bubble freer, It's much cheaper than buying the items separately. It's only missing the bible of canning, the Ball Blue Book.
You will never need anything else except jars & lids (and the jars are reusable)!
The complete list of canners is on these pages:
- Water bath canners - Good for acidic foods, like applesauce, pickles, salsa, jams, jellies, most fruits
- Pressure canners - needed for low and non-acidic foods, like canned vegetables (corn, green beans, etc), and meats
- Canners for glass top stoves if you have a glass or ceramic stove
- Canners for induction stovetops
Pressure Canners
If you plan on canning non-acidic foods and low acid foods that are not pickled - this means: meats, seafood, soups, green beans corn, most vegetables, etc., then you ABSOLUTELY must use a Pressure Canner.
Of course, you can use a pressure canner as a water bath canner as well - just don't seal it up, so it does not pressurize. This means a Pressure Canner is a 2-in-1 device. With it, you can can almost ANYTHING.
There are also other supplies, accessories, tools and more canners, of different styles, makes and prices, click here!
Basic Canning Accessories
From left to right:
- Jar lifting tongs to pick up hot jars
- Lid sanitizer / lifter - to remove lids from the pot of boiling water (sterilizing )
- Lids- disposable - you may only use them once
- Ring - holds the lids on the jar until after the jars cool - then you remove them, save them and reuse them
- Canning Jar funnel - to fill the jars
FREE Illustrated Canning, Freezing, Jam Instructions and Recipes
Don't spend money on books. that you don't need to. Almost everything you can find in some book sold online or in a store is on my website here for free. Start with theEasy Home Canning Directions below. That is a master list of canning directions which are all based upon the Ball Bblue book, the National Center for Home Food Preservation and other reputable lab tested recipes. Almost every recipe I present in addition to being lab tested com. is in a step by step format with photos for each step and complete. explanations. that tell you how to do it, where to get the supplies and pretty much everything you need to know. In addition, there almost always in a PDF format so you can print them out and use them while you cook.
[ Easy Home Canning Directions]
[FAQs - Answers to common questions and problems]
[Recommended books about home canning, jam making, drying and preserving!]