Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Marin and Sonoma counties in California? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Marin and Sonoma counties in California,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
(see "What does Organic mean?").
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for
a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this
page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined;
click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or
inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
New! As inflation remains high, see this page for
reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower
costs, and cost-saving measures for
getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
If you are having a hard time
finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive
family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best
camping weather. See our new website Road Tripping and Camping.com for tips, tricks,
guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings,
Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas
Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole
our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update
the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings,
but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check
every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to
all requests. They don't. Don't support the scammers!
Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook
page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or
Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally
overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with
the farm directly before you go!
And if you know of any farms I missed and want to
add a farm, please let me know!
I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find
anything out-of-date, wrong or not working -
please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make
through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn
from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the
website and make improvements!
What's in season in March 2025, and other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
Marin and Sonoma counties in California U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Marin County
Chileno Valley Ranch - Uses natural growing practices, apples, pears, Fresh eggs, farm market, porta-potties, farm animals, weddings and wedding parties
5105 Chileno Vally Road, Petaluma, CA 94952. Phone: (707) 765-6664. Email:
sallylgale@gmail.com. Open: for u-pick on Sundays only, from 9 am to
2 pm, during August, September and sometimes October, Click
here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: To reach
Chileno Valley Ranch from the Bay Area, drive north on Highway 101 to
Petaluma. Take South Petaluma Boulevard and drive north on Petaluma
Boulevard to Western Avenue. Go left on Western Avenue and go 1.8 miles to
Chileno Valley Road. Turn left onto Chileno Valley Road and go 3.9 miles to
your next right, which is also called Chileno Valley Road. Go right on
Chileno Valley Road for 5.1 miles. The house is a grey Victorian on your
left with a row of tall Cypress trees behind it.
click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
click here for our Facebook page. Enjoy a day of family apple picking in
our orchard with 14 naturally grown varieties. Enjoy a day of family apple
picking in our orchard with varieties such
as Orin, Pinova, Candy Crisp, and Jonagold. . We offer farm tours so you
can see our cows, chickens, and sheep up close. We sell our frozen,
grass-fed ground beef and handmade apple butter during u-pick days, as well
as items from our neighbors: olive oil, cheese, eggs, and honey. We are also
a grass-fed meat ranch. We sell quarters, halves and whole cows, as well as
half and whole lambs to families. We also host a small number of farm
Comments from a visitor on
October 18, 2009: "We visited (thanks to your site) Chileno Valley Ranch
in Petaluma last week for apple picking - the closest apple picking to the
Bay Area - a BEAUTIFUL place with SUPER kind folks who walked us around the
farm, kids fed the chickens and sheep, cow and pig - they also sell
incredible fresh eggs - it was a lovely day, these people are wonderful."
Sonoma County
- Adobe Pumpkin Farm - pumpkins, tomatoes, vegetables,
fresh-cut flowers
2478 East Washington Street,
Petaluma, CA 95954. Phone: 707-763-6416.
Bloomfield Farms - beans, beets, broccoli, carrots,
summer squash, winter squash, tomatoes, other vegetables, U-pick and
already picked, restrooms, school tours
12550 Valley Ford Road,
Petaluma, CA 94952. Phone: 707-876-3261. Alternate Phone:
707-332-9209. Email:
upick@bloomfieldfarmsorganics.com. Open: 9pm to 2pm on the last Sunday
during the months of May, June, July, August, September and October.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates.
RSVP: It's not mandatory but please email to confirm your attendance and the size of your group. This helps with
planning for our staff, food and other items to meet your needs. Directions:
1.0 miles west of Bloomfield on Valley Ford Road. If coming East
from Valley Ford the farm is 3.1 miles West. See our website for
more specific directions. Thanks!.
Click here for a map and directions. Each week we typically have
28 to 30 crops available for harvesting and u-picking; Tomatoes
begin in late August for us. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page.
UPDATE for 2021, Their website hasn't been updated since 2014. Does anyone have current information,
are they still offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me.
(UPDATED: March 21, 2021 JBS)
Boring Farm - Certified Organic, raspberries (red), raspberries (Spring, red), raspberries (Autumn, red),
Fresh eggs, porta-potties, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, farm animals
4200 Canfield Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone: (706)
463-0191. Email: boring.farm1@gmail.com.
Open: We are open every Saturday 9am to 1pm starting in June. Directions: From HW101 North Bound -Take exit 479 on Railroad Ave -0.2mi turn LEFT
onto Railroad Ave -0.4mi turn RIGHT onto Stony Point Rd -1.7mi turn LEFT onto Roblar Rd -3.5mi turn RIGHT onto Canfield rd -0.5mi destination is on
your left From HW101 South Bound -Take exit 481B onto CA-116 West toward Sebastopol -0.2mi turn RIGHT onto Gravenstein Hwy/116 -1.4mi turn LEFT onto
Stony Point rd -1.4mi turn RIGHT onto Roblar rd -3.5mi turn RIGHT onto Canfield rd -0.5mi destination is on your left.
Click here for a map and directions. We are certified organic
for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard. Come and enjoy a wonderful day out on our farm! The berries are delicious and
there is plenty of space to enjoy a nice picnic around one of our ponds and on your way out say hi to our sweet dairy cows. It is delightfully
peaceful here as this is our first year open as a u-pick farm, our crowds have remained minimal. We are family friendly with varietals that do not
have thorns (and some that do), perfect for your little ones! Follow our Facebook or Instagram page to see about how to purchase your parking pass
to reserve your time slot for picking.
Boring Farm
facebook page (UPDATED: June 28, 2021)
- Duckworth Family Farm -
Certified Organic, Blueberries
2950 Canfield Rd, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone: (707) 829-7999. Email:
blueberries@sonic.net. Open: mid June
through July, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 7am to 2pm, until blueberries are gone (late August?). Reservations needed: Tickets are available on eventbrite
https://duckworthupick_july11.eventbrite.com. They have a
WWOOF program (Worldwide Opportunity on Organic Farms) in the late spring to late summer. Students from WWOOF come from all over the world to learn
about the farm and all that comes with it. learning to work with the wool from our sheep, we teach the drop-spindle, spinning wheel, and weaving on
one of our many looms. We also grow indigo for natural dyeing.We offer U-pick days once our blueberries are ready for picking in the summer.
Families and friends can come out and pick their own blueberries! We will be selling blueberry pies made from our organic blueberries as well.
Bringing the family out for a farm day of U-picking is a great way to unplug and make family memories. The blueberry season only lasts 7 weeks, so
make plans now to come out and pick!
(UPDATED: March 20, 2021) (ADDED: July 11, 2020, JBS) 
Full House Farm - Bed and Breakfast with apples and pears u-pick operation
1000 Sexton Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone:
(707) 829-1561. Email:
Christine@fullhousefarm.com. Open: 9 am to 5 pm Tuesday to Sunday all
year; Organic
apple and pear picking is available when in season at $2/lb (price may have changed); Be
sure to call us in advance for reservations. Reservations are
required. Farm stay, farm/ranch vacation. Directions: From Hwy 101
in Santa Rosa, take Hwy 12 west through Sebastopol. Continue 3 more
miles to Sexton Rd on your left. Travel 1 mile to 1000 Sexton and
the sign reading Full House Farm.
Gabriel Farm - Apples, and prepicked produce, gift shop,
restrooms, picnic area
3175 Sullivan Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone: (707) 829-0617. Fax:
(707) 829-9238. Email:
Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in September, October.
Open: By Appointment - please call or email... We are certified
organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check. Our farm store is open
to the public; the U-Pick program is reserved for farm members. To
learn more about our membership program, please click on our "Farm
Visiting" page. During the week and throughout the year we are
available to the public by appointment. To make an appointment or
book tours you can email Lucy or call the farm at (707)

Grandmas Pumpkin Patch - apples, pomegranates, pumpkins, summer squash, U-pick and already picked, Grandmas Pumpkin Patch - apples, pomegranates, pumpkins,
summer squash, U-pick and already picked, gift shop, concessions or refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, picnic area you may bring your own food, face painting, petting zoo, farm animals, school tours,
group reservations, events at your location (call for info)
Healdsburg Avenue, Healdsburg, CA 95448. Phone: 707-431-8058.
Alternate Phone: 707-293-5750. Email:
lastminutejenny@msn.com. Open: daily Monday thru Sunday
form 10 am till Dark; September 26th through October 31st.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
From Santa Rosa; Highway 101 north to the Lytton Springs Exit. At
the exit go right. Go over the railroad tracks and go right. Patch
is 2nd house on the left. go down driveway and park in the back to
enter patch. From Ukiah; Highway 101 south to the Lytton Springs
Exit. At the exit go left. Go over the railroad tracks and go right.
Patch is 2nd house on the left. go down driveway and park in the
back to enter patch.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. All groups are welcome. Size
does not matter, We are handicap accessible. Music on the week ends
from 10am till 4pm. Parking and entrance is of course free.. (ADDED:
September 24, 2015)
Hale's Apple Farm - apples (limited U-pick), pumpkins
1526 Gravenstein Hwy North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone number:
707-823-4613. Open: daily, 9 am to 5 pm from late September to
October; CALL before coming to confirm the availability of u-pick;
when they are very busy they cannot accommodate PYO as they won't
have staff to show you out to the apples. Hales Apple Farm has a 40
acre orchard with over 30 different varieties of apples that you can
pick. Directions: located right on Gravenstein Hwy in Sebastopol as
you head out towards Forestville. They also have tomatoes, squash,
gourds and apple cider made from the apples on the farm.
Laguna Gold Fruit Company - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use,
peaches, Local honey from within 50 miles, concessions or refreshment stand, No dogs allowed except for
service animals
2600 Laguna Road, Santa Rosa , CA 95401. Phone: (707) 322-5806. Email:
fritschen57@gmail.com. Open: cal Season is July and August; We are open Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.
Directions: Click here
for a map and directions. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit
cards, All credit cards.
Laguna Gold Fruit Company Facebook page.
(ADDED: September 20, 2024)
Love Farms Organic Produce -
Certified Organic, beans,
beets, blackberries, blueberries, broad beans, broccoli, carrots,
corn (sweet), cucumbers, eggplants, flowers, grapes, herbs or spices,
melons, onions, peas, raspberries (Spring, red), summer squash,
winter squash, strawberries, tomatoes, other vegetables, snacks and
refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm animals, school
tours, events at your location (call for info)
15069 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448. Phone: 707-433-1230.
Alternate Phone: 707 433-6274. Email:
rlove@lovefarms.com. Open:
UPDATE for 2021, They may have closed; Does anyone have current information,
are they still offering pick your own or are even open? If
please write me, their last reported hours were April to November 9 am to 5 pm.
Click here for a map and directions.
We are
certified organic for all crops! Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard, WIC Vouchers, SFMNP Vouchers.
- New Carpati Farm - PYO mushrooms
421 Watertrough
Road, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Phone number: 707-829-2978. Email:
Open: from February to November, by appointment. Organically grown
shiitake mushrooms.
- Olympia Vineyards -
Minimizes chemical and pesticide use,
apples, figs, grapes, lemons, persimmons,
314 Reisling Ln,
Healdsburg, CA 95448. Phone: 707 473-0581. Email:
pgacuna@gmail.com. Open: Call before you go - I've received no
update since 2012 (other websites just copied the
information from us) - Sunday to Thursday - September 16 to 20
and Monday to Wednesday Sept 24 to 26 to by appointment only - call
or email us. Directions: email us for directions and latest
Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use of
pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, only. Cabernet and
merlot grapes, some apples are ready this week - some muscat grapes
still available- please call first- limited quantities except for
Merlot and Cabernet wine grapes.
Sonoma Broadway Farms -
Uses natural growing practices, carrots, cucumbers,
flowers, herbs or spices, lavender, melons, pumpkins, summer squash,
winter squash, tomatoes, other vegetables, Fresh eggs, porta-potties are available, picnic area, farm animals, birthday parties
Broadway, Sonoma, CA 95476. Phone: 415-497-0137. Email:
janderson814@gmail.com. Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm
from July 1st to October 31st. Directions: 20675 Broadway/Hwy 12 on
the way into Sonoma, between the streets Watmaugh and Leveroni.
Located one-mile from Sonoma Square.
Click here for a map and directions. We use natural practices,
but are not seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page.
(UPDATED: September 3, 2023, JBS)
Swallow Valley Farm - vegetables, call to see what's available
1100 Valley Ford Freestone Road, Valley Ford, CA 94972. Phone:
707-889-8579. Email:
SwallowValleyEvents@gmail.com. Open: Saturdays only from 9 to 4
- call to check season open & closing. Directions: From San
Francisco; Take US/101 North: 42.9 mile. Take exit 479 for Railroad
Ave: 0.2 mile; Turn left onto W Railroad Ave: 0.4 mile. Take the 2nd
right onto Stony Point Rd: 1.7 mile. Turn left onto Roblar Rd: 6.5
mile. Turn right onto Valley Ford Rd: 5.5 mile. Slight right onto
Freestone Valley Ford Rd (signs for Occidental/Monte Rio).
Destination will be on the right 1.5 mile. Visit Swallow Valley Farm
this Saturday to harvest your own box of seasonal organic produce.
During your visit you can also interact with pastured pigs, free
range hens, and heritage sheep. It is a day for families interested
in getting out on the farm and giving kids a memorable experience in
learning where the best food comes from.(UPDATED: May 06, 2018, JBS)