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Highland Center Incubator Kitchen in Virginia Information

Highland Center Incubator Kitchen is usually open year-round. It's ALWAYS advisable to see the Highland Center Incubator Kitchen website, and/or to call or email them before you head out there, as many factors, can affect their availability and open hours. And that can change not only from year to year, but day to day!

When are common crops available?

Below is a general month by month overview for the northern hemisphere (North America). Be sure to see the Virginia-specific harvest calendar for local dates.

Below is the general info, keep in mind this is very general, this is NOT a list of what Highland Center Incubator Kitchen has this year or ANY year or will have on any day. See the Virginia-specific harvest calendar for typical crop harvest dates in Virginia and see Highland Center Incubator Kitchen website for their current availability. This list below is a general list for many commonly grown crops.

The South will be the earlier end, and the North, the latter:

  • November to March - Citrus (oranges, grapefruit, mandarins, etc, in so Cal, AZ, NM, TX, FL
  • March - April: Asparagus
  • Late April-June: strawberries
  • June- July: cherries
  • June-August: blueberries, blackberries
  • July-September: peaches, figs, tomatoes, green beans
  • July-October: raspberries
  • August - Figs, Fall raspberries start, early apples
  • September-October: apples and grapes
  • October: late apples, Pumpkins
  • December: Christmas trees

Specific Fruit and Vegetable Picking and Preserving Guides and Recipes

After you go to Highland Center Incubator Kitchen, you may want to freeze, can, make jams, jellies, sauces, pickles or preserve the fruit or vegetables you get there. See these pages below for detailed, illustrated, step-by-step instructions that make it easy!

McSunley Stainless Steel 21QT Canner, Any Stovetop

Pressure Canners for all stovetops

Looking for canning equipment and supplies?

Water bath canner with a jar rack

Electric pressure canner

Pressure canners for gas, electric and induction stoves: Presto 23Qt or T-fal 22Qt

Canning scoop (this one is PERFECT)

Ball Blue book (most recent version)

8oz canning jars for jams

Regular canning lids

Wide mouth canning lids