Looking for a local, pick-your-own farm in Greenbay area of Wisconsin? Scroll down this page and you will see the U-Pick farms in Greenbay area of Wisconsin,
sorted by county. Those that offer organic or sustainably grown produce are identified by the words "organic" and/or "sustainable" in Green, next to their name
(see "What does Organic mean?").
The U-pick crops they offer follow the name of the farm. To search the page for
a specific crop, use Ctrl-F (or on an ipad or Mac, use their "search on this
page" function) If they have a website, the name will be in blue and underlined;
click on it and it will open their website. If you find anything outdated or
inaccurate, see the customer and farmer menus (as appropriate) at the top menu bar to submit updates and corrections and help me keep each current!
New! As inflation remains high, see this page for
reliable (tested) brands of generic canning lids at lower
costs, and cost-saving measures for
getting fruit and vegetables and home canning.
If you are having a hard time
finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
New! Road tripping and camping is a great way to have a fun, safe and inexpensive
family trip. The national and state parks and monuments are open, and campgrounds usually cost between $10 and $40 per night. September to November is the best
camping weather. See our new website Road Tripping and Camping.com for tips, tricks,
guides, checklists and info about parks, monuments and other places to visit.
New! We just went live with our latest website,
FunFactoryTours.com - As they name implies, you can find a fun factory tour, including chocolate, automobiles, historical forts and sites, famous buildings,
Active Federal facilities even fun geology: like fossils and volcanic areas
Note: Beware the copycat websites like the one that stole
our name and uses .farm extension: they copied my work and do NOT even update
the info! I make updates EVERY day. They use tech tricks to get higher rankings,
but have many more inaccuracies and out-dated info. Obviously, I cannot check
every farm every day, but I do check as many as I can every day, and respond to
all requests. They don't. Don't support the scammers!
Remember to always check with the farm's own website or Facebook
page before you go - or call or email them if they don't have a website or
Facebook page. Conditions at the farms and crops can change literally
overnight, so if you want to avoid a wasted trip out there - check with
the farm directly before you go!
And if you know of any farms I missed and want to
add a farm, please let me know!
I'm making updates for this year as fast as I can - if you find
anything out-of-date, wrong or not working -
please let me know! This website is supported by purchases you make
through the links to products on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn
from qualifying purchases. This allows me to continue to maintain the
website and make improvements!
What's in season in March 2025, and
other timely information:
Notes for March 2025: The northern half of the U.S.
(and most of Canada, of course) are under snow. So, the crops to pick are pretty
much limited to Florida, Texas, southern California and a few other areas of the
Deep South. Citrus, for one, is a crop that is usually available now; and
in those areas, soon also strawberries and blueberries. Check your area's
crop calendar (see this page) and call your local farms for
seasonal updates.
We also have a website for both
Valentine's Day information, facts and fun and one for
St. Patrick's
day (including great recipes for corned beef, Irish stew, etc.)
Children's Consignment Sales
occur in both the Spring and Fall
See our companion website to find a local
community or church kid's consignment sale!
Next year, don't miss an Easter Egg Hunt for your children:
See our companion website to find a local Easter Egg hunt!
See these pages to find an upcoming local
Strawberry Festival, or a
Cherry or cherry blossom festival
or a Blueberry festival.
Are carpenter bees boring holes into your house, shed or barn? There is a simple non-toxic solution!
NEW! Start your own tomato, pepper, squash and other vegetable plants from seed - It's easy and
costs about 50 cents per plant.
Also see our Master list of tomato varieties,
with descriptions, details and links to ordering the seeds.
We also have
home canning, jam and jelly
making, preserving, drying and freezing directions. You can access
recipes and other resources from the drop down menus at the top of the page or the site search.
If you have any questions or suggestions,
feel free to write me! It is easy to
make your own ice cream,
even gelato, or low fat or low sugar ice cream - see this page. Also note,
there are many copycat website listing U-pick farms now. They have all
copied their information from here and usually do not ever update. Since
2002, I've been updating the information every day but Christmas; so if you see
anything wrong or outdated, please
write me!
Greenbay area of Wisconsin U-Pick Farms and Orchards in 2025, by county
Click on the resources drop-down above, if you need a county map
Brown County
- Apple Store - Apples, cherries and raspberries
1502 West Mason Street, Green Bay, WI. Phone: 920-499-6671. Open: 9 am to 5 pm Monday to
Saturday, Apples, caramel apples, cider, frozen cherries and raspberries,
honey, jams and jellies and maple syrup.
- Apple Valley Orchard - apples and pumpkins
1670 Mar-El Road, DePere, WI. Phone: 920-336-0667.
bev@applevalleyllc.com. Open: Monday - Saturday 9 am to 4 pm, Sunday 10 am to 3 pm;
during season, September to Thanksgiving. Fresh picked and pick-your-own
apples. Also pumpkins and crafts. Payment: cash, check, only. Rain or shine,
picking your own apples is always the best way to go. Bring out the kids,
grandkids, nieces, and nephews. We have 18 varieties of apples to choose
from at Apple Valley Orchard LLC. You and your family will have a blast and
go home with a bushel of fresh, juicy apples to nosh on. Enjoy our orchard
on both weekend and weekdays. On weekends, jump aboard one of our trams to
bring you out to the orchard.
Blaser's Acres
- blueberries, pumpkins, strawberries, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm
2556 School Lane, Green
Bay, WI 54313. Phone: 920-655-0483. Email:
info@blasersacres.com. Open: Call For Hours. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page. We are a family friendly zone offering
'pick-your-own' strawberries, a petting zoo, and various activities
throughout the year. Bring the family and come check us out!. They may still
have PYO blackberries, raspberries (red), but I haven't confirmed this.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Blueberry Lake Farm - 2021 permanently closed
Pulaski, WI 54162.UPDATE: June 25, 2021: The owner tells me they are now permanently closed.
Moders Gardens - raspberries, strawberries,
Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, prepicked produce, farm market
3439 Lineville, Green Bay, WI 54313. Phone: 920-434-0730. Directions: 41
north to Lineville exit west on Linville 4 miles on right. Crops are usually
available in June, July, August, September, October. Open: Monday to Sunday
7 am to 8 pm. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for a link to our Facebook page.
Oneida Apple Orchard - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use, apples, pumpkins, strawberries, prepicked
produce, restrooms, school tours
3976 West Mason Street, Oneida, WI 54155. Phone: 920-869-2468. Email:
Open: Thursday Noon to 5:30pm, Fri-Sun 9am - 5:30pm. Directions: West of Green Bay on Mason St/Hwy 54
about 6 miles. The Apple Orchard retail area is on the north side of the
Click here for a map and directions.
Crops are usually available in May, August, September, October. We minimize use of pesticides and other chemicals.
Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard. The Apple Orchard offers pick your own apples or vegetables. Please call 920.869.2468 or click
here for our email for
varieties and picking hours.
Oneida Apple Orchard facebook page. The Oneida Apple Orchard has 30 acres of original orchard and an
additional 10 acres of new orchard, which now totals approximately 4,000 trees. The majority of the apples are McIntosh, Cortlands, and Honey Golds with
twenty other varieties also available. There is also a wide variety of fresh produce products such as: strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, sweetcorn,
squash and pumpkins. Due to weather, the variety of fresh produce will vary.(UPDATED: October 21, 2022, JBS)
Sunny Hill Farm - Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, carrots, peas,
green beans, peppers, onions, potatoes, strawberries, pick your own and
1922 Oak Road, Green Bay, WI 54313. Phone: 920-434-9009. Open:
every day except Saturdays, from 7 am to 7 pm in the summer, from
the first produce in spring to the last produce in fall. Directions: See
their website for directions. Payment: Cash, only.. For over 30 years this
family farm has been growing and selling their produce including the best
asparagus, strawberries, corn, plus all the rest. As stated on their
website, they use biological farm practices. They care a great deal about
the soil and nutrients.
Come on out on Sunday and pick. We are closed every Saturday, but will
reopen Sunday morning at 7 am.. Click here for a link to our Facebook page. We
get to our stands at around 10 am and stay till we sell out.
Ridge Road - At Ace Hardware
East Mason - At Tim Sans across from Happy
Allouez Ave - 1780 Allouez Ave
East DePere - Ledgeview Shell
Mill Center - Maplewood Shell
Kimberly/Combined Locks - Chico's Restraunt
Sunny Hill PYO Crops
Beginning Month
Ending Month |
Asparagus |
Beginning of May |
Mid June |
Brussels sprouts |
September 20 |
The End of October |
Carrots |
Beginning of July |
Mid October |
Edible Pod Peas |
June 25 |
Mid July |
Grape Tomatoes |
July 25 |
Beginning of October |
Green Beans |
Beginning of July |
The End of September |
Jalapeno |
July 25 |
The End of September |
Onions |
Beginning of August |
The End of October |
Peppers |
July 25 |
The End of September |
Potatoes |
Beginning of August |
The End of October |
Strawberries |
Mid June |
Mid July |
Tomatoes |
July 25 |
The End of September |
A visitor writes on
July 07, 2014: "Excellent"
Calumet County
- Heritage Orchard - Pick-your-own apples and pumpkins
N 2963 Lakeshore Dr, Chilton, WI. Phone: 920-849-2158. Email:
appleannie4@hotmail.com. Open: 7 days a week from September 1 through
October 31. Hours 9 to 5 daily.
Also visit the Farm
Market for fresh-picked apples, squash, jams, jellies, syrups, mustards,
caramel apples, spices, frozen cherries, popcorn, sweet cider, hickory nuts,
honey and much more. Lookout Loft features a panoramic view of Lake
Winnebago and includes crafts and collectables. Picnic at Hawthorne Hollow.
Fire pit and tables available. Raised for quality - harvested for peak
flavor and crispness - sold fresh at affordable prices. Pick your own or
choose your favorite from 20 different varieties in our farm market. Free
samples are always available .
- Horseshoe Hill Orchard - Apples, pumpkins, squash and gourds
N3040 Hwy 151, Chilton, WI. Phone: 920-849-9308. Open: 9 to 5 daily during
season, August to October. Fresh picked and pick-your-own. Apples, caramel
apples, honey, jams and jellies, maple syrup, popcorn, pumpkins, squash and
gourds, crafts.
Meuer Farm - Uses integrated pest management practices, corn (sweet), pumpkins, winter squash,
strawberries, walnuts, Honey from hives on the farm, Maple Syrup from trees
on the farm, snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area, farm
animals, birthday parties, weddings and wedding parties, school tours
N2564 Highway 151, Chilton, WI 53014. Phone: (920) 849-7816. Email:
meuerfarm@bugnet.net. Open: Corn Maze, Activity Area and Hay Rides
Monday to Thursday 9 am to 6 pm Friday 9 am to 10 pm Saturday
10 am to 10 pm Sunday 10 am to 6 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions: Located 1/2 mile north of
Brothertown on Highway 151. We are 16 miles south of Appleton, 16 miles
north of Fond du Lac; 10 miles west of Chilton and 45 miles south of Green
Bay. Coming from Milwaukee, take Highway 41 north to Fond du Lac, take
Highway 151 north exit. Follow highway 151 north to farm.
Click here for a map and directions. Maple Syrup: March 1 till sold out
Strawberries: June 15 to July 15 apx; Sweet Corn: July 20 till August 20
Corn Maze: September 11 till October 31. We use integrated pest management
practices. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard, Discover.
Onsite radio broadcasts are done each Saturday throughout the maze season.
Activity area includes duck races, giant 80 foot tube slide, pumpkin
launchers and the corn (sand) box. All hayrides are one half hour in length
or longer and are educational.
Mulberry Lane Farm - pumpkins, but they do also have pony
rides, petting zoo, farm animals, birthday parties, school tours, pumpkins,
gift shop, snacks and refreshment stand, picnic area
W3190 County Road B,
Hilbert, WI 54129. Phone: 920-989-3130. Fax: 920-439-1499. Email:
mulberrylanefarm@yahoo.com. Directions: Three miles East of Sherwood, WI
on County Road B. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in October. Open: Visit us in
Spring, Summer and Fall. Days and hours of operation vary by season. Call us
or visit our website for detailed information. Payment: Cash, Check.
Mulberry Lane Farm offers an ideal country learning environment where people
of all ages can interact with farm animals. We provide hands-on experience
to educate children and adults about farm animals. Mulberry Lane Farm offers
guided tours geared toward the specific age level of your children. A chance
for everyone to milk a cow. Visit our sow and her liter of piglets. Hand
feed the goats and sheep. Visit the "Little Critter Barn" and hold a baby
chick, duckling, kittens & bunnies. Picnic areas for those bringing a lunch.
For the price of petting farm admission you will have a hands-on guided tour
of the farm. After the tour we invite you to re-visit the animals and enjoy
the farm at your leisure. Self-guided tours on fall weekends allow you the
pleasure of touring the farm at your own pace as our farm educators greet
you at many of our most popular pens. You will also have a chance to: Milk a
Cow, Catch a Chicken, Kiss a Pig, Cuddle a Kitten, Hand feed Goats and
Sheep, Ride a Pony, Enjoy a Hayride and More! Pick your own pumpkin in Fall.
We also have: Picnic areas for those bringing a lunch. Beverages, snacks and
souvenirs for purchase in The Granary. Gift Certificates and Annual Passes.
Door County
- Alexander's Cherry Orchard - pie cherries
2786 S Stevenson Pier Rd,
Brussels, WI 54204. Phone: 920-824-5113. Open: Cherry season is usually June to late July. Alexander's Cherry Orchard has been a family run business for
over 60 years. We offer the tart, montmorency cherries. You can pick your own or purchase them already picked. For already picked cherries, please call
24 hours ahead of time for your order. Tart Cherries
Carlson's Island View Orchard & Door County
Wildwood Market - cherries, and prepicked produce, gift shop,
snacks and refreshment stand, restrooms, picnic area
2208 Wildwood Road Intersection Highway 42 & Wildwood Road, Sister Bay,
WI 54234. Phone: 920-854-2481 . Email:
mcarlson@dcwis.com. Directions: 1/2 Mile north of Sister Bay,
Wisconsin at the intersection of Highway 42 & Wildwood Road. Open: 9:30
- 6:00 seven days a week Mid June through October Payment: Cash, Check,
Visa, MasterCard. Fresh produce, plums, strawberries, raspberries,
pumpkins, fresh and dried flowers. Homemade bakery, candies, jams, pie
filling, pickles, and other specialty foods. Our Farm Market is located
in restored migrant pickers shack.
Cherry Lane Orchards - apples, cherries, Cider mill (fresh
apple cider made on the premises), U-pick and already picked
Cherry Lane, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. Phone: 920-856-6864. Open: Apples
Friday - Sunday 10 am to 6 pm During the week by appointment; Late
September through October; Cherries available mid July through mid
August, everyday 8 am to 5 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. Follow us on facebook for current
updates. Cherry Lane Orchards incorporates 13 acres of cherry and apple trees. Our primary retail focus is
providing a memorable pick your own experience. To ensure a favorable outing you can expect to find a clean, well-groomed orchard, ample parking,
restroom facility, relaxed atmosphere and family friendly service.
- Choice Orchards - apples, sweet cherries, pie cherries, farm market
4594 County HH,
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. Phone: 920-743-8980. Email:
choicefarmmarket@gmail.com. Open 1
through October 31, from 9 am to 5 pm, 7 days a week. Choice Orchards is a great place to pick your own cherries &
apples, stroll through our tree maze, or find a gift in our farm market. Tart and Sweet Cherries.
- Hyline Orchard - apples,
pie cherries, raspberries
8240 Hwy 42, Fish Creek, WI. Phone: 920-868-3067. Open: all year 7
days a week. 8 am to 8 pm during summer and fall, 9 am to 5 pm in winter.
Apples, cider, jams and jellies, maple syrup, popcorn, pumpkins, some
crafts. Pick-your-own apples. Tart cherries: frozen pitted, wholesale
and retail, cider, jam and jelly, canned, dried. Pick your own in
season. Shipping world-wide. Accepting Visa, MC, Discover.
Pie cherries, aka, tart cherries. Hyline Orchard
facebook page
- Kielar Akers Orchard - Tart Cherries
S648 State Highway 42, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235.
Phone: 920-856-6978. Open: June. Directions: Located on Highway 42 one half mile north of Forestville. We grow Montmorency tart cherries, but no sweet
cherries and many varieties of apples that are picked by us only. Pie Cherries. Pre-picked apples only (No Pick-Your-Own). Place orders at:
- Lautenbach's Orchard Country Winery and Market - Tart Cherries, apples, pumpkins, farm market,
wines, hard cider
9197 State Highway 42, Fish Creek, WI 54212. Phone: 866-946-3263. Email:
info@orchardcountry.com. Open: see Lautenbach's Facebook page. Visit us to enjoy wine
and hard cider tasting, seasonal tours and fruit picking, fresh bakery & more! Lautenbach's Orchard
Country Winery and Market Facebook page.
- Le Fevre Orchards - cherries
Hwy 42-57 S, Sturgeon Bay, WI. Phone: 920-743-2775. Open: 7 days a week.
Hours 8 - 6 pm and pick-your-own during cherry season. 8 to 5 pm during
apple season, no pick-your-own. Apples, apple cider, cherry cider, gift
baskets, honey, jams and jellies, maple syrup. Cherry pie and apple pie.
Malvitz Bay Farms - strawberries,
8678 County Road C, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235. Phone: 920-824-5625. Email:
fredjm@centurytel.net. Open: Strawberry Pick Your Own from 7 am to
11am; seven days a week, Strawberries from June 11 to July 1.
Directions: Call for directions. Payment: Cash, only.
Click here for our Facebook page.
OneEighty Petals - Uses natural growing practices, flowers, lavender, Honey from hives on the farm,
events at your location (call for info)
8999 S Highland Rd Farmstand
on corner of Cty Hwy A & S. Highland Rd, Fish Creek, WI 54212. Phone:
(920) 724-1180. Email:
oneeightypetals@gmail.com. Open: Saturday and Sunday 8 am to noon
Appointments only Monday through Friday.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions: From
downtown Fish Creek, follow highway 42 north to county highway F. Follow
county highway F to county highway A. Turn right (south) onto county
highway A. The roadside stand is located about a 1/4 mile south at the
corner of S. Highland Road and county highway A. We use natural
practices, but are not yet certified Organic. Payment: Cash, Check,
Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: August 14, 2019)
Orchard Country Winery & Market - cherries, apples and
9197 State Hwy 42, Fish Creek, WI. Phone: 920-868-3479. Open: daily 8:30
am to 6 pm from May 1 to October 31. Winter hours are Friday to Mon 9 to
4 pm. Directions: From Green Bay: Take Hwy 57 North to Sturgeon Bay. Stay on Hwy 57 until you reach the north end of Sturgeon Bay (where Hwy 57/42
divide). Then, take Hwy 42 North about 18 miles. We are located 1/2 mi. south of downtown Fish Creek on the left side of Hwy 42. Featuring fresh hand-picked fruits, homemade preserves, Wisconsin
cheese, antiques and a variety of homemade Door County products and
gifts. Fresh pies baked daily. Frozen and dried cherries, as well as
pick your own cherries, apples and raspberries. Free samples of our
award- winning wines. Select from a variety of fresh pressed ciders and
premium beers. Fine wine accessories. Seasonal tours 11 am, 1 pm and 3
pm. Phone: for tour information and to reserve group tours.
Robertson Orchard - Apples, cider and cherries
Shiloh Road, Sturgeon Bay, WI. Phone: 920-743-1351. Open: 7 days a week,
an operation from home. Mid July to mid August tart cherries. Mid August
to Christmas for apples. Also pick-your own cherries mid July to mid
Aug; apples mid August to mid October.
- Rocky Ridge Orchards - cherries and apples
3482 Cty E,
Baileys Harbor, WI. Phone: 920-868-3992. Open: July and Aug: Daily 10 am
to 5 pm. June, September and Oct: Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 5
pm. Cherries, pick-your-own cherries and apples in season. Frozen
cherries, apple cider and cherry juice. Jams, jellies, honey and syrups.
- Teskie Farms - Minimizes chemical and pesticide use,
apples, cherries, pumpkins, raspberries (red), strawberries,
Highway 42, Ellison Bay , WI 54210. Phone: 920-421-4494. Open: Stand
open from 8 am to 5 pm Monday - Saturday. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. We minimize use of pesticides
and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, only. (ADDED: July 07, 2015)
Fond du Lac County
- Armstrong Apples
LLC - Integrated Pest Management, apples, cider, honey, school tours,
County Road B, Campbellsport, WI 53010. Phone: (920) 477-3007. Email:
eklein523@aol.com. Open: June 1 'til Thanksgiving; Tuesday thru
Sundays 10 am to 6 pm; Closed Mondays. Directions: Located south east of Fond du Lac; east of Eden, west
of Plymouth; in the town of Armstrong on county road B. We grow and sell
apples that are picked or u pick. We also sell our fresh pressed cider
(UV filtered but not pasteurized), caramel apples and bakery (primarily
pies and apple crisps). Other products include raw honey from the bees
at our orchard and fruits grown in season e.g. plums, peaches apricots.
Our apples are "ecco" (advanced IPM) and we focus on nutrition to keep
our apples healthy (includes fish and seaweed applications). Activities
include apple sling-shot, picnic areas, labyrinth and other family
games. Apple vareties: Cameo, Cortland, Empire, Gala, Honeycrisp,
Jonagold, Jonathan, McIntosch, Rubinstar, Red Delicious, Yellow
Delicious. Other Fruit: Peaches were planted in 2007.
- Harry Horner Vineyard - No pesticides are used grapes,
N 7857 highway 151, Fond Du Lac, WI 54935. Phone: 920-923-3614.
Open: 10 am to 3 pm daily until the grapes are gone. Directions: The
vineyard is located just north of Do It All Sports, N7857 Highway 151,
on the east side of the highway past Peebles.
Click here for a map and directions. We do not use pesticides on the
crops. Payment: Cash, only. $1 per pound. All proceeds from the sale of
the grapes are donated to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's
Disease) research. Harry Horner, Ann's former husband, planted and
nurtured the vineyard until his death from ALS in 1990.
Little Farmer - Pick your own apples and pumpkins, hayrides
N9438 Hwy 151, Malone, WI 53049. Phone: 920-921-4784. Email:
Open: See their website for changes; Hours early Aug. through October
31st, Monday to Friday, 8 am to 6 pm; Saturday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm;
Hours for November 1st through November 30th: Closed Monday, Closed
Thanksgiving Day; Tuesday to Friday, 8am to 5 pm, Saturday to Sunday, 10
am to 5 pm. Directions: Ten miles N of Fond du
Lac, WI.
Click here for a map. Pumpkins are
sold as a "pick-your-own" crop and already picked. You can grab one of
our little red wagons near the parking lot "wagon corral" and hike to a
field for a true pumpkin seeking adventure. On weekends, there is a free
tractor pulled wagon ride you can board at the "U-Pick Checkout" (near
the parking lot). That wagon runs from 10am to 4 pm (weather permitting)
and will take you and pick you up at a pumpkin field. The size of the
pumpkin you choose determines the price. The farm market has Apples, cider, homemade baked
goods, caramel apples, cranberries, honey, jams and jellies, maple
syrup, peaches in season, popcorn and pumpkins. Craft barn. Hayrides on
weekends. School and bus tours welcome. apples and pumpkins.
Tami's Berry Patch
- 2022 permanently closed
W2771 Century Drive, Campbellsport, WI 53010. Open: UPDATE for 2022, Their Facebook page says they are
permanently closed.
Kewaunee County
- Hillside Apples - apples, free wagon rides, cider press
E2237 Hwy 54, Casco, WI. Phone: 920-837-7440. Email:
bcbroethle@itol.com. 25 different varieties of apples. Open: Labor Day
thru Mid December: Labor Day thru Halloween, Monday to Saturday from 8 to
5, Sun 10 to 5; Halloween thru Thanksgiving, Monday to Friday 8 to 5,
Saturday from 8 to 3, Sun 10 to 3; Thanksgiving to Mid December, Monday to
Friday 8 to 5, Saturday from 8 to 3, Closed Sundays.
- Sylvan Orchard - Apples
Hwy 57 4 miles N of Dyckesville, right on Cedar Road, 1 mile to Circle Road,
left to orchard, WI. Phone: 920-866-9502. Apples only. You-pick and fresh
Manitowoc County
Neil Greiling Gardens - strawberries
18215 Pleasant Road,
Maribel, WI 54227. Phone: 920-863-6778. Email:
neilstra@tm.net. Open: Monday - Sunday 7 am to 7 pm; Do call to confirm
that we are open. Directions: From Green Bay I43 South to KB exit. Turn left
on KB to four-way stop on County R. Turn right on County R for 3 miles.
Strawberry field located on Pleasant Road. Watch for signs.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page.
Red Belly Farms - strawberries, restrooms, petting zoo
22608 US Highway 151, Chilton, WI 53014. Phone: 920-775-3696. Email:
redbellyfarms@hotmail.com. Open: Monday - Friday 7am to 7 pm Saturday -
7am to 3 pm Sunday - 9 am to 3 pm. Directions: We are located 8 miles east
of Chilton on highway 151.
Click here for a map and directions. Strawberries Mid June - Mid July.
Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard.
Click here for our Facebook page. Join our CSA program for fresh produce
all summer every week!. In Mid June, we welcome the delicious taste of
sweet, juicy strawberries. You may pick your own or have us pick them for
you. The remainder of the season we harvest and sell all kinds of produce at
our farm store and local farmers markets.
Outagamie County
- Bauer's Apple Shed - Apples
W7757 Wisconsin Avenue, Hortonville, WI. Phone: 920-757-6187. Open:
Daily 9 am to 6 pm - Sundays 10 am to 5 pm from
August while apple crop lasts. Apples, honey, jams and jellies, maple syrup.
Pick your own and prepicked. We offer Pick-Your-Own or Prepicked Apples.
Apple Syrup - Pumpkins - Honey - Jams & Gift Baskets, Squash & Gourds. We
are a family run orchard located just 5 miles west of Appleton, WI. Our
first trees were planted in 1972. There are presently over 300 trees of all
sizes and 15 varieties.
Blueberry Haven - blueberries, snacks and refreshment stand,
restrooms, picnic area
W9967 County Road XX, Bear Creek, WI 54922. Phone: 715-823-4091. Email:
blueberryhaven@frontiernet.net. Open: Starting in mid July through
August; daily from 7am to 1 pm or until ripe berries are gone, so call for
updates. Directions: 1.5 miles south of
Clintonville on Hwy 45, go east on County Road D, continue east 4 miles,
watch for signs. Click here for a map and directions. Crops are usually available in July, August.
Blueberry Haven Facebook page. When we get picked out, we close for a few days
to allow the berries to ripen. Bring your own 5 quart pails and save!
Payment: Cash, Check.
Back in 2002 we planted over 16,000 high bush blueberry plants on 14 acres, then opening to the public until 2007. There are five different varieties
including, Dukes, Patriots, Blue Crop, Blue Ray and Nelsons. This allows our season to last up to eight weeks. (Generally mid July-August) weather and crop
permitting. An all natural fertilization program is followed, only using fungicides and herbicides when needed, Before fruit growth. U-pick, prepicked and
orders may be placed!
- Cuffs Strawberry Farm - strawberries,
pumpkins, wagon rides
N2299 Ledge Hill Road, Hortonville, WI. Phone: 920-779-6372. Alternate phone: 920-779-4788. The Farm Hotline has up-to-date information on conditions and
availability. The
number is: 920-779-4788.
Strawberry Harvest is from mid-June until mid-July. U-Pick or We-Pick, sold
by the pound if you pick, or by the quart if we pick. Picking times are
6:30 am to 6:30 pm. Due to weather and crop conditions picking times may vary.
Always call ahead for picking conditions. Children are welcome. Take a free
wagon ride to the field. Picking containers are finished free. Pumpkins are
available the last weekend of September and all weekends in October.
Saturdays & Sundays from 10 am to 5 pm. Offering a "Pumpkin Picking" ride to the
field to pick a pumpkin of your choice, mini pumpkins, gourds, and colored
corn. Or purchase our pumpkins and fall products from our shed. Enjoy our
round-bale climbing area, a straw-bale maze, a sorghum grass maze, a straw catepillar, and a straw slide. Family fun for everyone! During the weekdays
and week nights in October we are open for large groups by appointment only.
Please call the Farm Hotline for reservations.
here for our Facebook page!
Hofacker's Hillside Orchard, LLC - Apples, pumpkins
W 3964 Wege Road, Appleton, WI. Phone: 920-734-0780. Email:
hofackers@new.rr.com. Open: MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 AM to 6 PM, SATURDAY
9 AM to 5 PM, SUNDAY 10 AM to 5 PM. Apples,
apple cider, honey, jams and jellies, maple syrup, popcorn, pumpkins. Pick
your own. Formerly
Schabo's Hillside Orchard .
Porter's Patch - pumpkins, raspberries (red), strawberries,
W4314 State highway 156, Bonduel, WI 54107. Phone: 715-758-8162. Open:
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Visa, MasterCard.
You can stop out and pick your own from the fields or purchase pre-picked
fresh fruits and produce when in season at the Farm Store. Visit us during
our Farmtoberfest celebration in the fall, a favorite time of the year.

Acres, LLC - Uses natural growing practices, flowers, herbs or spices,
W8202 Wisconsin
Ave, Hortonville , WI 54944. Phone: (920) 450-0681. Email:
ramacresllc@gmail.com. Open: Pick your own flowers open to the public
July through September on Wenesdays 4pm to 7pm and Friday and Saturday
mornings from 9am to noon; Seasonal flowers and produce available at the
roadside stand when available May through October. Directions: Just west of
Appleton in the town of Greenville on HIghway 96. Driveway is just to the
west of Manley Road near guardrails. We use natural practices, but are not
seeking organic certification. Payment: Cash, Debit cards, Visa, MasterCard,
Click here for our Facebook page. (ADDED: November 17, 2018)
- Sharky's Orchard - apples, you-pick and already
W3045 Emons Rd, Appleton, WI. Phone: 920-209-2172. Open: see their page. Payment: Cash only. They have
caramel Apples! Sharkys Orchard facxebook page.
Sprangers Orchard - apples and pumpkins
On Cty KK 1-one half miles E of SR 441. 1 mile E of Cty N, 1 mile W of Hwy
55, WI. Phone: 920-733-6739. Email:
Sprangorch@aol.com. Open: 10 am to 6 pm seven days a week from
mid-August to end of October. Apples, pears, plums, pumpkins. Also
pick-your-own apples and pumpkins.
Star Orchard - apples, pears, Honey from
hives on the farm
253 Highway CE, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Phone:
920-759-9294. Email:
StarOrchardllc@gmail.com. Open: Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm;
Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm; Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm, September 1 to
October 31. Directions: From Green Bay, take Highway 57 South. Approximately
three miles past Greenleaf, turn right on Z, go approximately 3 miles, turn
left on D, go approximately 1.4 miles, turn right on CE, go 1/2 mile to
orchard. OR take 41 South to 55 South through Kaukauna. At the roundabout,
take CE East approximately 4.5 miles From Appleton, take CE east straight to
the orchard which is approximately 4.5 miles east of Kaukauna.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check.
Click here for our Facebook page. In addition to apples, our salesroom
has honey, jams, jellies, salsa, salad dressings, mustards, maple syrup, and
caramel apple toppings. This year we have added popcorn from
End-of-the-Trail Candy Shoppe and dip mixes. Our bird population has
inspired us to make bird seed available also. We often have cider and
caramel apples - first come, first served!
Sheboygan County
Gibbsville Orchard - apples, Wagon rides
3322 Hwy 32, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085. Phone: 920-564-2944.
Alternate phone: 920-564-6026. Open:
mid-July through winter; From Labor Day till Thanksgiving we are open
regular business hours plus Sunday noon to 4 pm. Please contact for other
times of the year. Apples, apple cider (non- pasteurized), blueberries,
cherries, chickens (natural fed, free range), crafts, cranberries, gift
baskets, gourds, peaches, veggies in season. Wagon rides and pick your own
apples on Harvest Weekends ; the last two weekends of September in 2001.
Voted best apple cider in 1993, 1999 and 2000 by Wisconsin Apple Growers
Association. Best in 1996, 1999 and 2000 at Stateline Fruit Conference.
Log Cabin Orchard - Apples, pears, plums and
prepicked produce
N4797 County Rd E, Plymouth, WI 53073. Phone: 920-893-6073. Email:
soverby@wi.rr.com. Directions: SW of Plymouth, WI 3/4 mi South of STH 67
on CTH E or 3.5 mi North of STH 28 on CTH E. Crops are usually available in
August, September, October. Open: Please call ahead. Payment:
Cash, Check. Fresh non-pasteurized cider, Apple Syrup, Maple Syrup, Apple
Butter, and Honey.
- Strojny Orchard - Apples, peaches and pears.
Off Hwy 32, Oostburg, WI. Phone: 920-668-8943. Open:
Monday through Saturday 10 to 7 pm; call before you go, they have no website, Facebook page, and there's been no up[date about them in 10 years. Directions: between Cedar
Grove and Oostburg. (UPDATED: July 11, 2013, by JBS)
Walvoord's Berry Farm - peas, strawberries, U-pick and already
W2160 Smies Road, Oostburg, WI 53070. Phone: 920-668-6481. Open:
Monday to Friday 7 am to 7 pm Saturdays and Sundays 7 am to 5 pm;
Open 7 Days a Week; times subject to change.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates.
Directions: Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Check. Selling
already picked strawberries, sweet podded peas,. Call
for exact prices. There is a discount coupon on our website. Also selling small square bales of hay and straw.
We have easy picking in our strawed rows. Berries can be picked from both
the right and left sides of the rows. Please stay in your assigned row. An
employee can give you another row after you have finished. Any questions you
have can be directed at an employee stationed at the beginning of the field.
If you would like pre-picked strawberries, they are available in the
check-out building. We also send vehicles to various locations with our
pre-picked berries.
Vilas County
Winnebago County
Hidden Stream Farm - asparagus, pumpkins, raspberries (Spring,
red), winter squash,
1117 Planeview Road, Oshkosh, WI 54904. Phone:
920-420-9973. Email:
Marty9052@aol.com. Open: Saturday and Sundays.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: Cash, Visa, MasterCard. In
2016 we began harvesting asparagus and planted 200 raspberry plants. We will
continue to enlarge our raspberry production and hope to offer u-pick
raspberries in the Spring. (UPDATED: August 20, 2020 JBS) (ADDED: September 25, 2016)
Nature's Finest Foods - blackberries, raspberries
(red), raspberries (Spring, red), raspberries (Autumn, red), raspberries
(yellow), raspberries (Autumn, yellow), strawberries, Honey from hives on
the farm, Maple Syrup from trees on the farm, U-pick and already picked, porta-potties are available, picnic area you may bring your own food, farm animals, school tours
4902 County Road S, Oshkosh, WI 54904. Phone: 920-710-1325. Email:
Naturesfinestfoods@me.com. Open: Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 8 am
to 6 pm Sunday 8 am to 2 pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Strawberry season is typically June
10th to July 4 Thursday, Raspberries June 24th to July 30th and Blackberries
August 1st to August 21st. Payment: Cash, Check, Debit cards,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx.
Click here for our Facebook page. We minimize use of pesticides and
other chemicals. Strawberry Harvest is from mid-June until mid-July. U-Pick
or We-Pick, sold by the pound if you pick, or by the quart if we pick.
Picking times are 8 am to 6 pm. Due to weather and crop conditions picking times
may vary. Always call ahead for picking conditions. Children are welcome.
Take a free wagon ride to the field. Picking containers are funished free.
(ADDED: January 09, 2017)
Oakridge Farms -
Minimizes chemical and pesticide use,
raspberries (red), strawberries, blackberries, already-picked produce, farm market
County Road CB, Neenah, WI 54956. Phone: 920-725-1541. Email:
oakridgeberries@gmail.com. Open:
Call before you go; they did not offer U-pick in last year (crops too
small), Monday to Friday, from 7 am to 6pm;
Saturday and Sunday, from 7am to 5pm.
Click here for current open hours, days and dates. Picking updates:
Click here for picking updates. Directions:
Click here for a map and directions. Pick your own strawberries begin in
Mid-June; Pick your own raspberries begin in early July. We minimize use of
pesticides and other chemicals. Payment: Cash, Check, WIC Vouchers.
(UPDATED: September 18, 2019, JBS)
Prellwitz Produce -
UPDATE for 2020, Their website says they are
permanently closed.
476 HWY E, Ripon, WI 54971. After 26 years of growing strawberries, we have made the difficult decision that 2019 as our final season. We
are choosing to instead spend more time with our family and move on to other things.
Farm markets and roadside stands
Local Honey Finder
Local Meat, Milk and Eggs
Venues: Farms, Wineries, Orchards for your event, wedding or party
Easter egg hunts
Children's consignment sales
Fruit and vegetable festivals
Winery tours and wine tastings
Horse rides, stables, lessons, trails
Maple Syrup farms and sugarworks
Bed & Breakfasts on Farms, Wineries, Ranches and Orchards
Pumpkin patches
Corn mazes
Zombie Paintball venues
Christmas Tree Farms & lots
Environmental resources
Consumer fraud information
Wholesale food sources
Resources for Farmers