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Pectin for Making Homemade Jam and Jelly - Best Quality and Price in 2025

Pectin for Home Canning Jams, Jellies, Preserves and More

Pectin is a naturally occurring substance (a polysaccharide) found in berries, apples and other fruit.  When heated together with sugar, it causes a thickening that is characteristic of jams and jellies. 

Your grandmother probably didn't use pectin.  Instead she stood over a hot, boiling pot, stirring and getting splattered by hot jam until she cooked the vitamins out of it and it finally cooked down to a thicker consistency. You can also make your own pectin.  Just see this page for directions.  And if you are just looking for the best prices and all the options for pectin, click here!

You can make your own pectin if you wish.. but I'll use the prepared pectin - it is completely natural and safe. 

Just looking for the best pectin at the best price?: Click here to jump to the section with reviews and where and how to buy pectin at the best prices

What is Pectin?

Pectin is an extract from apples (with a tiny amount of citric acid and dextrose as binders) and doesn't change the flavor a bit.  If you want to be specific, the University of California tell us it is n extract from "apple pomace and citrus peels". It just helps thicken, allows you to use less sugar and less cooking! So unless you have a severe corn or apple allergy, there shouldn't be anything unsafe nor unnatural about it! And there are demonstrated health benefits to pectin, see this page.

Most pectin you buy at the supermarket is produced in Europe and imported to the U.S.. It has a limited shelf life; usually you don't want to keep it from year to year, as it's ability to gel will decrease.

After the jam has been heated and starts to cool, a gel starts to form.

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Gelling problems

Too stiff or lumpy jam

If gel formation is too strong, due to way too much pectin, the jam becomes stiff, lumpy or granular in texture. 

Cooking too long, but not at a high temperature, can boil off water, without breaking the pectin down.  This results in jam that is too stiff.

This also occurs if the temperature is too high, for too long, or the jam is not stirred frequently.

Using underripe fruit, which has more pectin than ripe fruit, with the same amount of pectin as the recipe requires for ripe fruit, also makes stiff jellies and jams. FYI, commercial pectin is intended for use with fully ripe (but not overripe) fruit.

Runny Jam

Undercooking (it must hit a full rolling boil for ONE minute) or too little pectin or sugar leads to runny jam.

Overheating - that is too high temperatures or uneven heat distribution builds excess heat which causes the pectin to break down. This is why you shouldn't double batches - due to inherently uneven heating of home cookware - commercial canning equipment is design to heat more uniformly.

See this page for step by step directions on how to remake runny jams and jellies.

The chemistry of the gel (or jell)

If you are interested in the chemistry of a gel, Wikipedia tells us that in

"high-ester pectins at soluble solids content above 60% and a pH-value between 2.8 and 3.6, hydrogen-bonds and hydrophobic interactions bind the individual pectin chains together. These bonds form as water is bound by sugar and forces pectin strands to stick together. These form a 3-dimensional molecular net that creates the macromolecular gel. The gelling-mechanism is called a low-water-activity gel or sugar-acid-pectin gel.  In low-ester pectins, ionic bridges are formed between calcium and carboxylic acid of the galacturonic acid. This is idealized in the so-called egg box-model . Low-ester pectins need calcium to form a gel, but can do so at lower soluble solids and higher pH-values than high-ester pectins."

Effectively, pectin's structure binds with water in an acid environment. Sugar increases pectin's ability to gel, and affects the texture and consistency of jellies and jams as they cool and set. Note: sugar is not key to the preservation of the jam - the sterile environmental and acidity are more important.

Pectin concentrations vary in fruit.

See this page for more detailed information about the pectin levels in fruit

Pectin and Acid Content of Common Fruits Used to Make Jams and Jellies

  • Group I - High Pectin: If not overripe, it usually has enough natural pectin and acid for gel formation with only added sugar.
    Tart Apples,
    Tart Blackberries,
    Citrus skins (oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, lemons, limes, etc. - the pectin is high in the skin but low in the fruit)
    Grapes (Eastern Concord)
    Plums (not Italian)
    Raspberries * see note belowStrawberries
  • Group II - Low Pectin: Low in natural acid or pectin, and may need addition of either acid or pectin.
    Ripe apples,
    Ripe blackberries,
    Sour cherries,
    Grape Juice, bottled (Eastern Concord),
    Grapes (California, and all other than Concord),
    Plums (Italian),
  • Group III - Very Low or No Pectin: Always needs added acid, pectin or both.
    Sweet cherries,
    Grapes (Western Concord),

Note: * Raspberries are always identified by researchers as low in pectin. But many home jam-makers have found they often behave as though they have high pectin levels. I usually add a small amount of pectin to raspberries, and get a firm set.

The pectin content in all fruit is also generally higher when fruit is just barely ripe and diminishes as it matures from fully ripe to overripe. The process of ripening involves the breakdown of pectins, which softens the fruit as it ripens. Apples and crabapples (especially unripe ones) are good sources of pectin and are often used in making commercial pectin. Some commercial pectin is made from citrus peels.

Testing for Pectin

There is a test that uses rubbing alcohol to provide a rough indication of the amount of pectin in the fruit. Mix 1 teaspoon of cooked, cooled crushed fruit with 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Use a closed container and shake gently. Juices from fruit that is high in pectin will form a solid gelatinous lump. If the fruit is low in pectin, it will form only small rubbery particles. Those with an average pectin content will form a few pieces of the jelly-like substance. See this page for more detail lab tested pectin levels.

It ought to be needless to say, that just as you should never put a cup of very hot coffee in your lap while driving a car, you should not eat the test mixture (that with the rubbing alcohol in it) as rubbing alcohol is a poison.

Make your own pectin?

Cookbooks from 50-100 years ago often have recipes for extracting pectin from apples for use in other jams and jellies. You may have noticed that old jam recipes often include some lemon peel for the pectin content, and jelly recipes from the pre-SureJell and Certo era are usually essentially apple jelly with other fruit for flavor. Aside from blackberries, few fruits have enough pectin to make self-jelling preserves unless you cook them forever and add loads of sugar..

You CAN make your own pectin, typically from crabapples. See this page about how to make your own pectin.

How much pectin to use?

Pectin needs the proper ratio acidity and sugar to make the jams or jellies set. As pointed out at the top of this article, these proportions vary according to the fruit you're using. Using the recipes I've provide, and the proportions of pectin and sugar listed in the specific instructions that come with the particular pectin that you use, gives a much higher quality jam than if you just wing it. This page explains more about how much pectin to use.

Converting from Liquid Pectin to Dry Pectin

If your recipe calls for 1 pouch of liquid pectin, you can use dry pectin instead. The average dry pectin comes in a box with a 1.75 ounce (49 grams) packet. This is the same as 1 pouch of liquid pectin. If you have bulk dry pectin, 1 packet is slightly less than 1/2 cup in volume. So, a little less than 1/2 cup of dry pectin equals 1 pouch of liquid pectin.

Types of Pectin

The pectin comes in several types: I prefer the no sugar variety, since many people are trying to cut down on their consumption of processed sugar, AND you can use it with OR without sugar or other sweeteners!

Type of Pectin Advantages Disadvantages
Liquid, in jar or packet already dissolved More expensive, messier, doesn't keep once opened. I have NEVER had consistently good results with liquid pectin. I DO NOT recommend it.
Dry, regular pectin None Makes jam with a LOT of added sugar in it.
Dry, lower sugar formula pectin Uses 40% less sugar to thicken None I know of
Recommended for all jams (with or without sugar):
Dry, No-sugar needed pectin
You can add no sugar, or add Stevia (in a prepared form like Truvia, it measures same as sugar; if you use another form, you will need do your own conversion) - or Splenda, if you prefer, , or fruit juice or just a little sugar, as you wish, and the mixture will still make a firm jam. If you use NO sugar at all, the jam isn't as bright and the texture is a bit more runny. But add just a little sugar or fruit juice and it is fine.
This is the pectin that, by far, makes the best jam.
None - old fashioned way to cook down the jam until it is thick no cost for pectin, but .. If you use no pectin, you must add MUCH more sugar and cook much, much longer. Yield and nutritional value are reduced due to overcooking and reduction from evaporation. Pectin is natural, just made from apples... so if you think not using pectin is somehow more natural, you're not. Pectin IS natural. you're just making it harder and producing a jam with a lot more sugar in it. Which is less healthy...
Freezer jam pectin No cooking involved You MUST store the jam in your freezer or fridge. Personally, I do not like freezer pectin, also called "instant pectin". The idea being, you do not heat to cook the jam to activate the pectin and thickening, and then store it in the fridge or freezer. Good luck with that...I find it rarely sets up. I never use this type of pectin because of the awful results.
Low methoxyl pectin sugar
(one brand is Pomona Pectin)
Does not require any sugar; it uses calcium to jell the fruit. Best for Pepper jelly and Mint jelly.

You can use low-calorie and no-calorie sweeteners like Stevia, (or if you prefer, Splenda), Aspartame or Xylitol with it.

Pomonas Universal Pectin is a sugar-free, vegetarian, low-methoxyl citrus pectin that is activated by calcium. Since it does not require sugar to jell, jams and jellies can be made with less, little, or no sugar. Some other possible sweeteners are honey, fructose powder, sucanat, concentrated fruit sweetener, maple syrup, agave nectar, frozen juice concentrate, stevia, xylitol, or if you prefer, Splenda, and other artificial sweeteners. Each 1 oz. box of Pomonas Pectin contains a packet of pectin, a packet of calcium powder and a sheet of newly revised directions and recipes. A JAMLINE telephone number is included in case there are any questions.
* Concentrated and economical -- each box makes two to four recipes.

It works pretty well, especially if you are making no-sugar or sugar substitute jams and jellies.

I've noticed the jam sometimes doesn't have the clarity of the other pectins.

It also seems to me that the jam has a weird grainy texture. Kind of lumpy.  But it does produce a reliable set, so for hard to set jams, like orange marmalade, it may be the best choice.

Also, it can be hard to find (I offer two online sources below farther down this page)

Modified Citrus Pectin - MCP For making jam, MCP works pretty well. It provides a very reliable set in low and no-sugar jams. I still prefer the more common Dry, No-sugar pectin (above), as I prefer the smoother texture that I feel results compared with MCP. MCP has a sort of grainy texture to the jam, a bit like tapioca pudding.

Dietary note: According to the American Cancer Society (note: it looks like this page is no longer online) modified citrus pectin (MCP) is merely an altered type of normal, natural pectin, which, when eaten as a dietary supplement is believed (that word is important) to have some anti-cancer properties. As a supplement, people eat a whole lot more than is used in canning, so there is no reputable authority saying that by using this type of pectin in making jam, you will reduce your risk of cancer.
It can be difficult to find locally; I have a link to a reliable online supplier, below.

Note: ClearJel is a starch that is used in making pie fillings. It is not a pectin, but a unique starch that is safer to use in making pie fillings, like home canning apple pie filling or blueberry pie filling. as it is more uniform for heat distribution.

Samples of Pectin

  • Top left: no-sugar Ball dry pectin
  • Top right: regular Ball dry pectin
  • Bottom left: regular SureJell dry pectin
  • Bottom right: No or lower sugar SureJell dry pectin
  • Far right: Certo liquid regular pectin



Where to get pectin at the best price updated for 2025

Pectin is commonly sold in large grocery stores, like Publix and Kroger, housewares sections of stores like local "big box" stores, and online. We have affiliate programs with two suppliers, so while we look for pectin at the best quality and price (and use it for our own canning), your purchases help maintain this website!:

IMPORTNAT TIP ABOUT STORING PECTIN: Pectin is HIGHLY hydroscopic, meaning it absorbs water from the air, which ruins it. So I always store pectin in the freezer.


Type of Pectin Where to get and prices - Prices have been SKYROCKETING ever since January 21, 2020, so I am constantly updating this page to find pectin at the best prices available.
Dry No-sugar needed pectin
(This is my top choice, since you can use no sugar, sugar, honey and/or Stevia or Splenda,  and it will set!).
No sugar pectins cost a bit more than regular pectin BUT you save more money overall because you use MUCH less sugar!
The FitLane low sugar pectin brand has a bulk package, which is usually the lowest price of any no-sugar needed pectin, making it the best value by far.

Packets (1.75 ox)

  1. Sure-Jell pink packet (1.75 ounce) Dry No-sugar needed pectin on Amazon. They have the best price I can find ANYWHERE for a few packets of pectin .
  2. Mrs. Wages Home Jell, Sugar Free Fruit Pectin, 21 Oz, Pack of 12 boxes, 1.75 ounces each, also at a pretty good price for packets

Bulk bags

  1. FitLane low sugar pectin in a bulk packet (in 1 lb / 16 ox bag) - This is by far, the best price for bulk low/ sugar pectin)..
  2. Ball bulk dry No-Sugar Needed pectin, 5.4 oz, 153 grams. If you for some reason want to only buy the Ball brand (I don't bother, the others work just as well) this one is the best price.
  3. Ball bulk dry No-Sugar Needed pectin, 5.4 oz, 153 grams. oddly, this one is apparently the same as the preceding Ball pectin... just more expensive.
Dry Regular pectin
I still think you should use the no-sugar version (at left), even if you want to add sugar!)
If you use a lot of regular pectin, you might want to consider bulk pectin. It is MUCH cheaper.

Packets (1.75 ounces)

  1. Ball RealFruitTM Classic Pectin in 5.4 oz (about the same as 3 packets)  - again, not cheap, usually in the range of $2.50 to $4 per ounce
  2. Sure-Jell Dry Regular Pectin in packets - I don't know why, but per ounce this is more expensive than the no-sugar needed types above or bulk regular pectin.

Bulk regular pectin

All of these are in the same price range in 2024; around $0.70 to $0.80 per ounce

  1. Bulk Anthony's Premium Fruit Regular Pectin, 1.5 lb, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Vegan Great prices for bulk regular pectin that is also vegan, non-gmo (all pectin is gluten free)
  2. Hoosier Hill bulk pectin. It was $ 0.74/ounce in 2023.
  3. FitLane regular pectin, which was $0.66/ounce in 2023 and was last reported around $0.72/ounce in 2024.
Low sugar methoxyl pectin (Pomona)
Best for tough sets, like pepper jellies. Expensive, but it works.
  1. Pomona Low sugar methoxyl pectin in packets. This stuff is very pricey.
  2. Pomona Low sugar methoxyl pectin, a.k.a, Pomona's Universal Pectin in 1 lb bulk package. A bit better price than in packets.
MCP - Modified Citrus Pectin
Made with fruit pectin and citric acid.
MCP is just another version of pectin, made by Surejell. only difference is slight variation in the relative proportions of it's ingredients; apparently only  available in larger quantities now.
  • MCP pectin  -  some people seem to like this type.  Me? Meh. Too pricey and it's just a variant of regular pectin, so it needs loads of sugar.
Freezer jam pectin
It rarely ever works well. But, if you insist, here it is: But don't say I didn't warn you.  Hey, you only cook jam for 5 minutes with the pectin above. 
  1. Mrs. Wages No Cook Freezer Jam Fruit Pectin (Pack of 12 packets)for making freezer jam
  2. Ball Realfruit Freezer Pectin for Homemade Freezer Jam and Jelly, in semi-bulk, 5.4 Oz

Liquid pectin
I've found the liquid form to be problematic and expensive.  I prefer the dry forms. You can use half a pack of the dry forms and easily store the remainder for later. You can't do that with the liquid pouches.
  1. Ball Realfruit Liquid Pectin, in a 6-Ounce pouch
  2. Sure-Jell Certo Premium Liquid Fruit Pectin Value Pack, 2 Boxes with a total of 4 Pouches
  3. Ball Realfruit Liquid Pectin 6-Ounce packets in a 2-Pack (12 oz in total)
Low sugar pectin
It is hard to find, but since the no-sugar pectin works well with sugar, too, just use it instead


Bulk pectin for canning multiple batches of jam and jelly at lower cost:

No-sugar needed bulk pectin: Find this type of pectin on Amazon  Regular (sugar needed) bulk pectin: Find Bulk pectin on Amazon

Notes on pectin storage life

Pectin is hydroscopic, meaning it absorbs water from the air and then spoils.  You MUST keep pectin packages tightly sealed and in a dry environment.  I'm testing keeping it in the freezer in a vacuum sealed freezer bag.  Anything left out on the shelf - even in its original packaging spoils within a matter of several months.


  1. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources

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