Happy Hills Farm
Happy Hills Farm is your source in central Nevada for fresh pick-your-own strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries! We are located in Pleasantdale, Nevada -- just 2 miles south of the nuclear waste dump! See our map and directions!
Bring your children or friends and have fun picking together. We supply the picking containers and you can take them home! Children often pick berries to sell in the neighborhood for extra spending money and to learn how to be an entrepreneur. Adults come to pick to have the finest tasting freshest organically grown berries! Nothing in a grocery store compares with these!We're sure you'll enjoy your visit!
Check our harvest updates page to find out what's available now and at other times of the year!
Our map and directions page makes it easy to find us!
And you can always reach us by phone: (101) 123-4567 or email at happyhillsfarm@yahoo.com!