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Comparison of the Cost of Various Cooking Methods: Oven, Stove, Gas, Electric, Crockpot, etc.
Comparison of the Cost of Various Cooking Methods
There are a few recipes that call for the use of an oven or dehydrator, or,
of course, a stovetop (cooker) for a water bath or pressure canner. You may be
interested t see how each method compares in total cost to achieve the same
degree of cooking.
How much do various cooking methods cost?
This table shows the difference in cost between various oven cooking
methods. Notice that some types require less time to achieve a similar
result; so the convection oven is 25% faster than other regular ovens.
The costs shown ought to be what it takes to cook the same food in each.
Temperature (degrees F) |
Time |
Energy Used
Cost per unit |
Cost |
Toaster oven
350 |
1 hour |
0.33 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.03 |
Microwave oven
High |
15 minutes |
0.36 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.03 |
Stove top, electric
High (about 420 F) |
1 hour |
0.9 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.07 |
200 |
7 hours |
0.70 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.06 |
Gas oven
350 |
1 hour |
0.112 therm |
$.60/therm |
$0.07 |
Electric Convection oven
325 |
45 minutes |
1.39 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.11 |
Gas oven, electric ignition
350 |
1 hour |
0.112 therm +0.35 kWh
$.60/therm |
$0.07 |
Electric oven (standard)
350 |
1 hour |
2.0 kWh |
$.08/kWh |
$0.16 |
(The table assumes $.08/kWh for electricity and $.60/therm for gas.)
Toaster oven is by using a "Kill Watt EZ" measuring device/span>
Electricity Prices Vary by Locality
Prices vary over time and by locality due to the availability of
power plants and fuels, local fuel costs, and pricing regulation and
The three States with the highest average price of electricity in
2008 were:
- Hawaii (29.20¢ per kWh)
- Connecticut (16.95¢ per kWh)
- New York (16.74¢ per kWh)
Those with the lowest average prices in 2008 were:
- West Virginia (5.59¢ per kWh)
- Wyoming (5.68¢ per kWh)
- Idaho (5.70¢ per kWh)
On average, electricity prices are highest in Hawaii, mainly because
most of the electricity there is generated with fuel oil. Idaho usually
has the lowest prices mainly because of the availability of low-cost
hydroelectric power from Federal dams.
State Electricity Profiles
Click here for an interactive map to see your local electricity prices.
DOE State Electricity
Average Natural Gas Prices in the United States
Between 1999 and 2008, the national annual average
residential natural gas price more than doubled, from $6.69 per
thousand cubic feet (Mcf) to $13.68 per Mcf. The national
average price of natural gas is only part of the story, as the
prices in individual States can differ greatly. These
differences are often related to a market's proximity to the
producing areas, the number of pipelines in the State, average
consumption per residence receiving service, and the
transportation charges associated with them, as well as State
regulations and degree of competition.
For example, based on 2008 data, residential consumers along
the Atlantic Coast tend to pay the most, with prices ranging
from $15 to more than $20 per Mcf. By contrast, States in the
rest of the country benefit from either indigenous production or
the presence of major trunk lines traversing the State. The
availability of relatively abundant supplies results in prices
between $10 and $15 per Mcf.
See this page for current gas prices by locality.
Picking Tips
[General picking tips and a guide to each fruit and vegetable] [How
much do I need to pick?
(Yields - how much raw makes how much cooked or frozen)] [Selecting
the right varieties to pick] [All
about apple varieties - which to pick and why!] [Picking tips for Vegetables]
[ Strawberry picking tips]
[ Blueberries picking tips]

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