Find a local pick your own farm here!

Looking for Rhode Island Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell in 2025?  Scroll down this page and  follow the links. And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make jam, salsa or pickles, see this page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above.  If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.

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Rhode Island Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell

Rhode Island Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens -
Places to make foods to sell!

A licensed kitchen is an inspected, registered commercial kitchen where foods intended for sale can be safely made, in accordance with laws and regulations. While many states allow some low-risk foods to be made at home and sold in smaller quantities, many foods intended for sale can only be made in a licensed kitchen. If you want to make and sell your home-made preserves, salsa, spaghetti sauce, refrigerated foods or whatever, you will need a licensed kitchen to prepare and can the food. many licensed kitchens open their doors at low cost to local food entrepreneurs.

There are many lists of commercial kitchen in Rhode Island,online, but the list below is the ONLY one with complete contact information and links to their websites, and all in one place. If you would rather have a company make and package the food product for you, see this list of copackers in Rhode Island

If you have an update about a kitchen, please click here to write me!

If you have a licensed kitchen wishing to be added to this list, add your information here.

Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens and Shared Kitchens

Note: You may find it is required by your state take the ServSafe® training classes for Manager and employees. It certainly is advisable, in any case. You can get the ServSafe® Handbook that accompanies the course here.

  • Hope and Main -  
    691 Main Street, Warren, Rhode Island 02885. Phone: 401-245-7400. Email: Every space is outfitted to function independently, allowing makers to prep, cook and clean within the same space each shift. Each kitchen is staged to accommodate various processes, including gluten free, artisan baking, bottling, catering and more, with over 6,600 sq. ft. of production space. Our inventory of equipment is ever-evolving based on needs of current members. All kitchens and equipment are maintained and repaired professionally.
  • Millrace Kitchen and Event Space -
    40 South Main Street, Woonsocket, RI 02895.Phone: 401-762-0993 x 213. We've got the space, people, and equipment to help jump start your culinary ambitions. Features: 25 Active Chefs, 2200 s/f Event Space, Top of the Line Culinary & AV Equipment, 1700 s/f Commercial Kitchen Host an Event!  Our flexible event spaces are the perfect location for functions large and small
  • Other Resources

    If you still can't find a suitable kitchen, you may need a co-packers.  Co-packers manufacture and package foods for other companies - and small food businesses - to sell.   See this list of co-packers in your area.


    Where can I find more information about canning?

    For more than 250 specific, simple recipes with step-by-step directions and photos; and general information on canning and food preservation, see this page.