Looking for North Carolina Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell in 2025? Scroll down this page and follow the links.
And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make
jam, salsa or pickles, see this
page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving
directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard time
canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price &
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North Carolina Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell
North Carolina Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens -
Places to make foods to sell!
A licensed kitchen is an inspected, registered commercial kitchen where foods intended for sale can be safely made, in accordance with laws and
regulations. While many states allow some low-risk foods to be made at home and sold in smaller quantities, many foods intended for sale can only be
made in a licensed kitchen. If you want to make and sell your home-made preserves, salsa, spaghetti sauce, refrigerated foods or whatever, you will need
a licensed kitchen to prepare and can the food. many licensed kitchens open their doors at low cost to local food entrepreneurs.
There are many lists of commercial kitchen in North Carolina,online, but the list below is the ONLY one with complete contact information and links to their websites,
and all in one place. If you would rather
have a company make and package the food product for you, see this list of copackers in North Carolina
If you have an update about a kitchen,
please click here to write me!
If you have a licensed kitchen wishing to be added to this list,
add your information here.
Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens and Shared Kitchens
Note: You may find it is required by your state take the ServSafe® training classes for Manager and employees. It certainly is advisable, in any case. You can get the
ServSafe® Handbook that accompanies the course here.
- Anson Community Kitchen -
514 BORTH WASHINGTON ST, WADESBORO, NC 28170. Phone: 704-272-5300. Email:
ateal@spcc.edu. in the process
of re-opening Temporarily down
- Blue Ridge Food Ventures -
Asheville, NC. Phone: 828-348-0128. Email: smithson@blueridgefoodventures.org.
Large shared kitchen and bottling operation in Asheville
- Burgaw Incubator Kitchen -
115 S. Dickerson St, Burgaw, NC 28425. Email:
csuggs@burgawnc.gov. Phone: 910-300-6401. Phone: 910-663-3450.
- Carolina Commercial Kitchen -
3500 Latrobe Dr. Suite 200, Charlotte, NC. Phone:
- Caswell Community Kitchen - inspected-community-kitchen
14771 NC HWY 119 N, Yanceyville, NC
27379. Phone: 336-598-2537. Email: tlcurve@gmail.com.
- CEED - Planned not yet in operation
Fayetteville, NC. Email: kneese@ncceed.org. planned commissary and food
- City Kich -
601 Milner Dr, Greensboro, NC 27410. Phone: (800) 803-2514. Email:
contactus@thecitykitch.com. Size: 12K sq ft.
- Craven Community College -
New Bern, NC. Email: boucherg@cravencc.edu.
Planned commissary at the coast Planned
Eastern Carolina Food Ventures - Commercial kitchen, Incubator, Refrigerated storage, Freezer storage,
Dry shelf storage, Business services, Free Consulting services
946 Penny Branch Road, Warsaw, NC 28398. Phone:
(910) 659-6000. Email:
smurphy@jamessprunt.edu. Open: See their website for for hours and availability. Directions: See their website
for directions. Click here
for a map and directions. Payment: . Eastern Carolina Food Ventures Incubator Kitchen is a regional, shared-use
commercial incubator kitchen designed to help develop food entrepreneurs, create new food businesses, grow existing
food businesses, and provide workforce development resulting in new jobs and new economic development in eastern
North Carolina. Located in the WestPark Business Technology Center in Warsaw, the kitchen is a collaborative effort
of James Sprunt Community College, Duplin County, and Pender County. (ADDED: October 21, 2024)
Feast Down East Processing and Distribution Center -
115 S. Dickerson St., Burgaw, NC 28425.
Email: info@feastdowneast.org. Phone: 910-465-3386.

- Greensboro Shared Use Kitchen - low-risk-shared-use-kitchen
3309 BURLINGTON ROAD, Greensboro, NC 27405.
Phone: 336-641-2416.
High County Commercial -
Jefferson, NC. Email:
Medium sized shared kitchen and farmers market in mountains
H.U.B.B. Kitchens -
Raleigh, NC. Email:
jjohnsoncomp@gmail.com. or
j.comtois@hubbkitchens.com. Small, new urban shared-kitchen.
Lee County Extension -
Sanford, NC. Email:
bill_stone@ncsu.edu. Email:
alyssa_anderson@ncsu.edu. planned commissary in Sanford Planned
Madison County Community Kitchen -
258 Carolina Lane, Marshall, NC 28753. Phone:
828-649-2411. Email:
jessica_mollet@ncsu.edu. Extension-run added value center and shared kitchen.
TheN.C. Cooperative Extension, Madison County Value Added Kitchen offers entrepreneurs and
cooks an inexpensive place to create value-added products. If you are interested in using our commercial kitchen, please contact us to schedule an
orientation which will go over policies/procedures and basic food safety (takes 1 ½ hours). It is held at the N.C. Cooperative Extension, Madison County
Midway Community Kitchen -
Permanently closed
505 WEST ROSEMARY STREET, Chapel Hill, NC 27516. UPDATE for 2022: Midway Kitchen in Carrboro, NC is closed
Monroe and Union County EDC - Planned, not yet in operation
Monroe, NC. Email:
rachael@unionedc.com. Planned commissary south of Charlotte
- Norwood Downtown Partnership - new commissary just opened
Norwood, NC. Email:
Independence VA. Email:
Nunya Commissary - Commercial kitchen, Refrigerated storage, Freezer storage, Dry shelf storage, Bakery, Acidified canning, Low acid canning, Hot
packing, Cold packing, Seafoods, Pickles, relishes, Scale-up recipes, Scale-up recipes, We specialize in small and start-ups
2407 Kannapolis Hwy,
Concord, NC 28027. Phone: (704) 699-4031. Email:
nunya@post.com. Open: See their Facebook page for for hours and availability. Directions: See their Facebook page for directions.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: . If you have a food
business - food truck, food/beverage manufacturing, bakery, catering, canning, ghost kitchen - and need a clean and efficient space complete with prep area,
sinks, stove, ovens, walk-in refrigeration and dry storage space, contact us today. Because we're a smaller facility, you won't need to fight for space. All
of our tenants are honest, clean and work well with others. So, your stuff is safe. We are in Concord, near exit 58 off I85. You can get to Charlotte, Lake
Norman and South Charlotte quickly and easily. We have 3 pricing tiers, so we can meet your financial needs whether you work a little or a lot. Call, text
or email today to learn more.
Click here for our Facebook page. Located in Cabarrus County. (ADDED: November 21, 2022)
Out of the Garden Project
Greensboro,NC. Email:
kitchen@outofthegardenproject.org. Small urban non-profit low-risk kitchen
Piccatas 909 Catering and Shared Use Kitchen -
2024 permanently closed
Morehead City, NC. Phone: 252-728-8888. UPDATE for 2024: They are permanently closed
Piedmont Food and Ag Processing Center - PFAP
500 Valley Forge Rd, Hillsborough, NC 27278. Email:
Phone: 919-241-4212. Email:
eric.hallman@pfapnc.org. Email:
large shared kitchen with 60 clients.
Reconciliation House Fresh - Pick Kitchen
Burnsville, NC. Email:
ateal@spcc.edu. newly opened shared kitchen
- Shared Commercial Kitchen for Rent -
Cornelius, NC. Phone: 704-953-0987.
Short Street Gastro Lab -
Kernersville, NC. Email:
angel@projectshortstreet.com. Opening Feb 2022 New
Stecoah Valley Center Kitchen -
They may have discontinued the kitchen rentals, it is not clear on their website
121 Schoolhouse Road,
Robbinsville, NC 28771. Email:
info@StecoahValleyCenter.com. Phone: 828-479-3364.
Certain portions of the main building, including the Schoolhouse Cafe and historic auditorium, may be leased for public or private events.
The City Kitch -
9545 Pinnacle Drive, Charlotte, NC 28286. Phone: (704)
The Cookery -
1101 West Chapel Hill St, Durham, NC 27701. Email:
hello@durhamcookery.com. Phone: 919-908-8974.
- The Community's Kitchen -
Tryon, NC. Email:
cljsaluda@gmail.com. small shared kitchen near Greenville SC
The Enterprise Center,
S.G. Atkins - Shared-Use Kitchen

1922 S. MLK Jr. Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27107. Email:
sgatkinscdc7@gmail.com. Phone:
(336)-734-6900. Email:
sgatkinscdc4@gmail.com. Our job is to give you the tools to prosper. Our success is
helping you create, connect, learn and grow your business. Our goal is for you to graduate out of our kitchen and into your own brick and mortar or
production facility. We want to make your culinary dreams a reality!
S.G. Atkins The Enterprise
Center Facebook page.
The kitchen has space and equipment for you to scale:
- 895 sq.ft. of useable cook and prep space
- State of the art
- Office/meeting shared space
We've established trusted contacts in virtually every field and vendor type you may need.
- Federal and
state regulatory and financial agencies
- Conventional and specialty food suppliers
- Insurance, food safety, and training
The Kitch -
1178 River Hwy, Mooresville, NC 28117. Email:
info@the-kitch.com. Phone: 704-910-9089.
The Raleigh Kitchen Space - Commercial kitchen, Refrigerated storage, Freezer storage, Dry shelf storage, Bakery
3805 S Wilmington St,
Raleigh, NC 27603. Phone: (919) 943-7074. Email:
willpettis86@gmail.com. Open: See their website for for hours and availability. Directions: See their website for directions.
Click here for a map and directions. Payment: . (ADDED: October
30, 2023)
Warren FoodWorks -
108C South Main St, Suite 2 Warrenton, NC 27589. Email:
carla.m.norwood@gmail.com. or Email:
carla@workinglandscapesnc.org. Phone: (252) 257-0205.
Watauga Food Council - Planned, not yet in operation
Boone, NC. Email:
wataugafoodcouncil@gmail.com. Planned commissary in Boone
WE Power Food -
Hillsborough, NC. Email:
Support organization for women food entrepreneurs
- Working Landscapes Main Street Kitchen -
108C SOUTH MAIN ST, SUITE 2, Warrenton, NC 27589.
Phone: 252-257-0205.
Other Resources
If you still can't find a suitable kitchen, you may need a co-packers. Co-packers manufacture and package foods for other companies - and
small food businesses - to sell. See this list of co-packers in your area.
Where can I find more information about canning?
For more than 250 specific, simple
recipes with
step-by-step directions and photos; and general information on
canning and food preservation, see this page.