Looking for Massachusetts Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell in 2025? Scroll down this page and follow the links.
And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make
jam, salsa or pickles, see this
page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving
directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard time
canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price &
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Massachusetts Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens - Places to make foods to sell
Massachusetts Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens, Shared Kitchens -
Places to make foods to sell!
A licensed kitchen is an inspected, registered commercial kitchen where foods intended for sale can be safely made, in accordance with laws and
regulations. While many states allow some low-risk foods to be made at home and sold in smaller quantities, many foods intended for sale can only be
made in a licensed kitchen. If you want to make and sell your home-made preserves, salsa, spaghetti sauce, refrigerated foods or whatever, you will need
a licensed kitchen to prepare and can the food. many licensed kitchens open their doors at low cost to local food entrepreneurs.
There are many lists of commercial kitchen in Massachusetts,online, but the list below is the ONLY one with complete contact information and links to their websites,
and all in one place. If you would rather
have a company make and package the food product for you, see this list of copackers in Massachusetts
If you have an update about a kitchen,
please click here to write me!
If you have a licensed kitchen wishing to be added to this list,
add your information here.
Commercial Kitchens, Community Kitchens, Licensed Kitchens and Shared Kitchens
Note: You may find it is required by your state take the ServSafe® training classes for Manager and employees. It certainly is advisable, in any case. You can get the
ServSafe® Handbook that accompanies the course here.
Berkshire Harvest Kitchen -
Great Barrington, MA.
Phone: 413-822-8815. Email: bhrk195@gmail.com
Boxford Bakehouse -
Phone: 415-990-7788. Email: boxfordbakehouse@gmail.com,
Boxford Bakehouse -
31 Center St, Middleborough, MA 02346. Email: hello@boxfordbakehouse.com. Contact: Joe Cooney. A certified organic
facility offering shared use kitchen services. Specializing in dry goods and baked goods. In addition, they offer recipe and process
development/refinement, test batch production and analysis, shelf life testing coordination, inventory management and label/packaging design.
Cape Cod Culinary Incubator -
Contact: capeculinaryincubator@gmail.com.
Commonwealth Kitchen (CWK), -
196 Quincy St., Dorchester,
MA 02121. Boston, MA. Phone: 617-522-7900. Email: info@commonwealthkitchen.org. Contact:
Ismail Samad.
Dartmouth Grange, Dartmouth
Phone: 508-636-1900.
Email: info@dartmouthgrange.org
Fresh Food Culinary Center, Danvers
Phone: 978-777-6460.
Contact: Chris Keohane, info@wenhamteahouse.com. UPDATE for 2021, Their website is gone and there's nothing else about them that is current on the internet - I presume they
have closed. Does anyone have current information? If
please write me.
Foundation Kitchen, Shared Culinary Workspace -
Somerville, MA.
Email: https://foundationkitchen.com/contact/
Haydenville Church Commercial Kitchen - Commercial kitchen, We specialize in small and
143 Main Street, Haydenville, MA 01039. Phone: (413) 268-9344. Email:
Open: See their website for hours and availability. Directions:
Click here for a map
and directions. Our bright and sunny certified commercial kitchen provides ample space for large and
small-scale cooking needs, including catering, cottage industries, food truck prep and more. There is a
large commercial refrigerator, a commercial range with an oven and a 4-burner stove, a commercial
sanitizer, two sinks, a microwave, a freezer, and plenty of counter space. Storage, refrigerator and
freezer space rental is also available for On-Going renters. Parking Lot with ample spaces and
accessible ramp entrance that can accommodate larger delivery vehicles.
Haydenville Church Commercial Kitchen
Facebook page. Located in Hampshire County. (UPDATED: March 22, 2025) (ADDED: December 10, 2024)
Harwich Cultural Center Culinary Incubator -
Harwich, MA.
Phone: (774) 212-3482.
Email: culturalcenter@townofharwich.us. Opening Spring 2020.
Contact: Erica Strzepek, Program Aide.
Kitchen Local -
Amesbury, MA.
Phone: 978-204-3197. Email: lisa@kitchenlocal.com
Kitchen UTEC, Lowell
Phone: 978-856-3910.
Email: uteckitchen@utec-lowell.org
North Shore Culinary Center -
10 Garden Street, Danvers, MA 01923. Phone: 978-777-6460. Email: beacon282@gmail.com. The North Shore Culinary Center is a professional,
commercial, shared-use kitchen that helps entrepreneurs build their businesses in the food and beverage industry. Keohane & Co. provides on-site
entrepreneurial business consulting for the kitchen. The Culinary Center is a community focused endeavor. We offer a hip, urban shared commercial
kitchen and office space for you to run your business out of! We help growing food businesses succeed in the food industry where the barriers of
entry can be so challenging. North Shore Culinary Center Facebook page.
Owner: Christopher Keohane. (UPDATED: October 05, 2022)
Orange Door Kitchen -
Acton, MA. Phone: (978)795-4174. Email: info@orangedoorkitchen.com
The People's Kitchen -
Phone: 401.612.6200.
Email: Matthew Lillibridge, Chef@servema.com
Opening September 2019
Stock Pot -
Malden, MA.
Phone: 781-605-1426.
Email: info@stockpotmalden.com.
UTEC Community Kitchen - aimed at Caterers,
co-packers, bakers, food trucks
35 Warren Street, Lowell, MA 01852. Phone: 978.856.3951. Email:
uteckitchen@utecinc.org. 5,000 square foot brand-new kitchen.
Wendell Town Hall Community Kitchen,
Phone: 978-544-3395. Phone: 978-544-3775. Email: Nancy Aldrich, Town coordinator: coordinator@wendellmass.us\
Western MA Food Processing Center - Copacker, Commercial kitchen, Incubator, Product development services, Business development consulting services,
Refrigerated storage, Freezer storage, Dry shelf storage, Acidified canning, Hot packing, Pickles, relishes, CERTIFIED ORGANIC, Glass, Plastic, Scale-up
recipes, Scale-up recipes, Business services, We specialize in small and start-ups, Free Consulting services
324 Wells St, Greenfield, MA 01301. Phone:
413-774-7204 ext. 104. Email: katem@fccdc.org. Open: See
their website for for hours and availability. Directions: See their website for directions.
Click here for a map and directions. (UPDATED: August 18, 2022)
Worcester Regional Food Hub
Phone: 508-667-5792.
Email: info@worcesterfoodhub.org
World Farmers Community Kitchen -
Lancaster, MA.
Phone: 978-706-7935. Email: www.worldfarmers.org/contact-us/#emailform
Other Resources
If you still can't find a suitable kitchen, you may need a co-packers. Co-packers manufacture and package foods for other companies - and
small food businesses - to sell. See this list of co-packers in your area.
Where can I find more information about canning?
For more than 250 specific, simple
recipes with
step-by-step directions and photos; and general information on
canning and food preservation, see this page.