Looking for How Can I Sell My Home-Canned Foods, Like Jams, Salsa, Sauces, Fruits and Vegetables (large scale anywhere, or small scale in Kansas, North Dakota, Montana and Rhode Island: in 2025? Scroll down this page and follow the links. And if you bring home some fruit or vegetables and want to can, freeze, make jam, salsa or pickles, see this page for simple, reliable, illustrated canning, freezing or preserving directions. There are plenty of other related resources, click on the resources dropdown above. If you are having a hard time finding canning lids, I've used these, and they're a great price & ship in 2 days.
If you have questions or feedback, please let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
On a commercial scale in any state or any volume in Kansas, Montana, North Dakota and Rhode Island
Have you got a great recipe for home-made salsa, jam, jelly or other home-canned food? Your friends and family tell you that you should go into business selling it? And now you're wondering what it would take to actually sell your award-winning tomato salsa, apple butter, applesauce or strawberry jam? This page should answer your questions to help you Decide if it's right for you!
The production and sales of processed foods is governed by state and federal regulations. Each state is different, so proper advice is needed from a specialist in each state. Some states allow sales at farmer's markets of select foods; others prohibit sales altogether. Most states now have cottage food laws now that don't require a licensed kitchen. In those states, you can sell at a farmers market or roadside stand jams and jellies as well as baked goods that don't require refrigeration. Typically, in those states, you just need to label them with the weight or volume, our name, our address, the words "this item is home produced" and all the ingredients in order by weight. Usually, you can not do anything 'acidified' (like pickles), anything pressure canned, or anything needing refrigeration. For this we don't need a licensed kitchen or any inspections. "
The vast majority of us now live in states that either have cottage food laws or exemptions. So, unless you live in KS. ND, MT or RI, click on the link below:
The following, below, applies if you live in Kansas, North Dakota, Montana and Rhode Island;
OR if you do not qualify for the cottage food exemptions:
Food must be produced, processed, and held in a manner which prevents spoilage and contamination to keep it wholesome. Processing establishments must submit to unannounced inspections of the building and grounds. Unhealthy or ill persons must not be allowed to handle foods and pets are not allowed. For these reasons and others, home kitchens are not usually considered appropriate for processing purposes. In order to sell your homemade jams on a commercial basis, in most states, you will need to have your kitchen meet commercial grade kitchen standards and pass a health department inspection, like a restaurant. People who have done this tell me it can easily cost $50,000 to convert a home kitchen.
I've heard that there are a handful of states that have small quantity exceptions and exceptions for church sales, etc., but I haven't see a comprehensive list. If you know where to find your state's webpage of rules for selling home canned goods, please send it to me, and I'll make a list here.
Canneries and licensed kitchens - One way around this is to prepare your batches in kitchen that is already licensed. Some people rent restaurant kitchens during their off-hours and do the prep and canning there. In some cases, a local cannery is the way to go. If they are licensed as a commercial kitchen (and many are), then you will be able to avoid the need and expense to rent a restaurant kitchen. See this page for local canneries.
Copackers manufacture and package foods for other companies to sell. These products range from nationally-known brands to private labels. Entrepreneurs choose to use the services of copackers for many reasons. Copackers can provide entrepreneurs with a variety of services in addition to manufacturing and packaging products. They can often help in the formulation of the product. The copacker may function only as a packer of other people's products or may be in business with his own product line. They may be, in fact, manufacturing several competing products. The range of services available from a copacker will vary depending on the size and experience of the copacker and the type of facilities and the capacity of their plant. See this page for more information about how to choose a copacker.
You may also need a state and/or local (city) business license. Your states' "secretary of state" or taxation can tell you - look on your state's government website. You may also need to verify local zoning laws, if you plan canning at home and/or selling from home.
As you may have noticed in news stores, anyone that sells prepared foods is beset with false (and real) claims of food poisoning, finding strange objects in the jars and loads of lawsuits. It can be a fulltime job just fighting the frivolous lawsuits.
And there are the real cases: canning meats and dairy is very challenging to do at home; the risks are much greater for food poisoning than for high acid fruits and vegetables (like jam, applesauce and salsa). The latter are much safer, but still pose some risks. On the other hand low acid foods like canned green beans are more risky than high acid foods, but a bit safer than meats and dairy.
One advantage of using a co-packer is, since you never touch the product, your liability is greatly reduced. You "piggyback" on theco-packers production and liability insurance.
Obviously, you will need to test your products. Shelf-life determination of your product can be quite complicated. Shelf-life has many components, but can be broken down into three main categories:
- microbiological
- chemical
- organoleptic (sensory characteristics)
See this page for more information about testing.
See this page for a list of labs that can test your foods.
Beyond the requirement to prepare the food in a licensed kitchen, there are food preparation, testing and labeling laws. Packaged foods, those which are wrapped and labeled for consumer purchase, are regulated by state agencies, usually under federal authority. Food regulations can be confusing and often complicated. In many cases, a single food product or production facility may be covered by multiple jurisdictions. Almost all processing of foods requires prior notification to the regulatory agency.
Because of the many rules for processing and preparing food for sale, the entrepreneur is advised to consult an expert prior to investing in a food processing venture. As in any business venture, know and understand the rules before you get started.
Most packaged foods are regulated by your state's Department of Agriculture. In some cases , there are exceptions (see your state's rules and local resources here) but you still want to follow all of the best practices, to avoid making anyone sick! There also are some basic regulations that all processing facilities must follow. They include Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP's) and Sanitation Standard Operation Procedures (SSOP's).
SSOP's are written procedures for sanitation activities. Click here for detailed information regarding SSOP's.
Processed and packaged foods are regulated by the FDA. They publish GMP's, which are regulations set forth to ensure that every aspect of a new product, from formulation to processing to packaging and labeling to even distribution keeps the best quality product available to consumers. GMP's are defined by the Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR 110 as they are fundamental to food safety. The main topics discussed by this document include personnel, plant and grounds, sanitary operations, sanitary facilities and controls, equipment and utensils, processes and controls, warehousing and distribution, and natural or unavoidable defects. For a complete GMP checklist click here.
These regulations consist of Section 100 and 101 concerning labeling and Section 110 which covers Good Manufacturing Practices along with other sections that contain Standards of Identity, acceptable ingredients, and other rules. In special cases where foods are preserved with added acid or low-acid foods are canned, (pH at 4.6 and above) Sections 114 and 113 apply, respectively. These sections have special requirements, such as establishment registration under Section 108, filing of a scheduled process, and processing and packaging under the operating control of a certified supervisor.
Products held under constant refrigeration, or that are determined to be naturally acid foods with a pH of 4.6, or have a water activity (aw) of 0.85 are not covered by the provisions of 21CFR 113 or 114. However, Good Manufacturing Practices (21CFR 110) requires that adequate controls be in place to assure the products continue to meet these parameters.
There are also special regulations for canned foods specifically. Those regulations can all be found the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations.
Labeling requires its own explanation. "Labeling" includes all labels and any other written, printed, or graphic materials, either attached to an article or any of its containers or wrappers or accompanying the article. Brochures and other Point of Sale accompanying a food product are also considered labeling, particularly if they name or feature the food.
So who is responsible for correct labeling? In those instances where the buyer provides or prescribes the labeling, they may be held responsible, IN ADDITION TO, rather then instead of, the processor. A processor who ships unlabeled goods to be processed, labeled, or repacked at an establishment other than one he owns must have a written agreement between himself and the buyer, setting forth the specifications to be followed in labeling the goods.
See this PDF for news and other information about food labeling and nutrition..
With rising concerns as to food allergies the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 requires use of common English names for the major food allergens. Tree nuts must identify specific nuts such as "almonds", "pecans", or "walnuts". Also, fish and shellfish must identify species such as "tuna", "bass", "flounder", "shrimp", and "lobster". It also requires the labeling for flavors, colors, and incidental additives if they contain allergens. No minimum level of allergen is required before labeling is placed on the package. It is required regardless of the amount present in the product.
There are exemptions from the requirements for nutrition labeling (not ALL labeling requirements), provided there are no nutrition claims or other nutrition information on the label or in advertising. The exemptions apply to those firms:
of fewer than 100 full-time employees
that sell fewer than 100,000 units of a particular food, in any 12 month period
sold direct to consumers,
Your labels will probably also require a SKU, which is a unique number assigned by the store, to track sales of inventory. A UPC code and account are assigned by an independent company; they give you an account plus a bank of numbers unique to your product. If you're just starting out, though, the co-packer may let you use a variation of their existing UPC account on your product.
For labeling help, there are many places you can go for information:
Nutrition labeling questions and concerns can be taken to the FDA website for more guidance (Food Labeling Guide).
Almost all of the above issues involve some degree of paperwork. Most of the paperwork filed will be directly with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Paperwork dealing specifically with acidified foods (such as pickled foods and salsa) is a great area of importance. More information about filing an acidified food with the FDA can be found here.The FDA prefers that all paperwork is filed online.
Presumably, you want to do this to make a profit (not to lose money or break even). You need to think through and be able to address these questions:
Do I understand the basic marketing aspects of my product?
Am I ready to start a food business?
Now, if you are still interested in selling your homemade products; go for it! But be sure to consult a good lawyer, your state agriculture department (try your county extension agent) and your local health department first to understand what you need to do to be legal and to protect your business!
Preserving food for your own home (or non-commercial) use is not regulated; however, food preservation and processing for commercial purposes (i.e., for sale) is regulated. There are federal level regulations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (also USDA for meat and poultry products), state level regulations, and often county or city regulations. For a start, most states require that you have an inspected, licensed kitchen. Just meeting the physical requirements often means spending tens of thousands of dollars to convert your home kitchen.
Some home canners gone commercial get around this by renting a commercially licensed kitchen, such as a restaurant's kitchen, during their off-hours.
Even then, there are product liability issues. If one jerk claims that he found a mouse in your jar of jam, the legal defense could wipe you out.
People HAVE done it: Famous Amos, Mrs. Fields are a couple examples of ordinary people who decided to sell their homemade foods. But they also had a lot of legal advice and financial backing. See below for many more resources:
See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on Amazon |
Sell Your Specialty Food: Market, Distribute, and Profit from Your
Kitchen Creation (Paperback)
See here for related tools, equipment, supplies on Amazon |
How to Start a Home-Based Catering Business, 5th (Home-Based
Business Series) (Paperback)
Description |
Credit is due to NC State Extension, VPI (Virgina Tech), Brian A. Nummer, Ph.D. and Elizabeth L. Andress, Ph. D., both of the National Center for Home Food Preservation for most of this information!
State | Resources |
Alabama | Starting A Food
Processing Business? What You Should Know Before You Get
Started (HE-753, New May 1998, Alabama Cooperative Extension System) http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/H/HE-0753/ (PDF version of above) http://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/H/HE-0753/HE-0753.pdf |
Alaska | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, Alaska: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=2 |
Arizona | Direct Farm Marketing
and Tourism Handbook University of Arizona, Agricultural and Resource Economics: http://ag.arizona.edu/arec/pubs/dmkt/dmkt.html |
California | University of California-Davis, UC Food
Safety Website From Kitchen to Market Manufacturing Options Getting Started in the Food Business www.ucfoodsafety.ucdavis.edu |
Colorado | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, Colorado: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=7 |
Connecticut | Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship
(A Partnership of Cornell University and University of Vermont): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html |
Delaware | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, Delaware: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=9 |
Florida | University of Florida Center for
Agribusiness: http://www.agbuscenter.ifas.ufl.edu |
Georgia | Getting Started in the
Food Specialty Business, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin 1051: http://www.uga.edu/nchfp/business/food_business.pdf Is Your Agribusiness Project Feasible?, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin 1066: (pdf only) http://pubs.caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubs/pdf/B1066.pdf Starting a New Food Business Website, with helpful links to regulations and University of Georgia Food Science and Technology resources available to help: http://www.efsonline.uga.edu/EFS_NFB/index.htm Don't miss this!Starting A New Food Business in GeorgiaThe link to more info is https://estore.uga.edu/C21653_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=1092 Tuesday (1-5 pm) and Wednesday (8-5) October 9-10, 2012 Extension Food Science Teaching Facility 242 Food Science Bldg., 100 Cedar Street University of Georgia Campus Athens, Georgia 30602 |
Hawaii | Some Costs and
Considerations for Establishing an Entrepreneurial Community
Shared-Use Kitchen or "Test-Kitchen" Incubator, University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service Publication FMT-2: http://www2.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/FMT-2.pdf |
Idaho | University of Idaho, Food Science &
Toxicology Web Site Food Processing Extension Programs: http://www.ag.uidaho.edu/fst/food_processing_extension_programs.htm |
Illinois | University of Illinois, Department of
Agricultural and Consumer Economics Website Illinois Specialty Farm Products: http://web.aces.uiuc.edu/value/ |
Indiana | Purdue University, Department of Food
Science, Value-Added Processing Assistance Website: http://www.foodsci.purdue.edu/outreach/feep |
Iowa | Iowa State University Extension, Website - Kitchen Incubators & Other Food-Related Small Business: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/incubator/ Selling Food Products, North Central Regional Extension Publication No. 259: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/NCR259.pdf Iowa Laws: Sale of Home-Prepared Foods, Iowa State University Extension Publication PM 1294: http://www.extension.iastate.edu/Publications/PM1294.pdf |
Kansas | Kansas State University, Department of
Animal Sciences and Industry Website: Value Added Services and Programs: http://www.oznet.ksu.edu/meatscience/ValueAdded.htm Kansas Department of Commerce, Agriculture Marketing Development http://kdoch.state.ks.us/public/agency/divisions/div_details.jsp?divId=997990295060 |
Kentucky | Home-Based Business:
Making & Selling Food Products in Kentucky, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Publication H.E. 9-100: http://www.ca.uky.edu/agc/pubs/FCS9/FCS9100/FCS9100.pdf |
Louisiana |
Louisiana State University, Food
Science Department: http://www.agctr.lsu.edu/foodscience/ |
Massachusettes | Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship
(A Partnership of Cornell University and University of Vermont): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html |
Maine | Starting a Home
Business in Tough Times, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Bulletin #4154: http://www.umext.maine.edu/onlinepubs/htmpubs/4154.htm |
Maryland | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, Maryland: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=22 |
Michigan | Food Regulations For
Small Home Business, Michigan State University Extension Publication Small Business Bulletin E317921: http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modsb/e2317921.html |
Minnesota | Starting a Food
Business in Minnesota, Minnesota Department of Agriculture Publication: http://www.mda. state.mn.us/dairyfood/startingfoodbiz.pdf University of Minnesota, Department of Food Science and Nutrition Website - Pilot Plant: http://fscn.che.umn.edu/services/pilot_plant.html |
Mississippi | Exploring the Potential
for New Food Products, Mississippi State University Food and Fiber Center, Extension Service Publication 2170: http://msucares.com/pubs/publications/p2170.pdf Considerations Before Starting a Small Food-Processing Business, Mississippi State University Extension Service Information Sheet 1554 http://msucares.com/pubs/infosheets/is1554.htm |
Missouri |
State of Missouri - Frequently asked questions University of Missouri, Outreach and Extension Website - Missouri Value Added Development Center: http://valueadded.missouri.edu/index.htm Getting from Idea to Implementation, Missouri Department of Agriculture AG Innovation Guide: http://www.aginnovationcenter.org/IdeatoImplementation.pdf |
Montana | Starting A Specialty
Food Business, Montana State University Extension Service Resource Guide: http://www.montana.edu/extensionnutrition/docs/FoodBusinessResourceGuide.pdf Montana State University, Extension Service Web Site (online training series) - Growing A Small Business and Staying on Top: http://www.montana.edu/%7Ewwwcommd/newbusiness.htm |
Nebraska | University of Nebraska, The Food Processing
Center Web Site - http://www.fpc.unl.edu University of Nebraska, The Food Processing Center Web Site - Food Entrepreneur Assistance Program: http://fpc.unl.edu/marketing/ent.htm |
Nevada | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, Nevada: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=31 |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Specialty
Food Producers Handbook and Resource Guide, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension Publication: http://ceinfo.unh.edu/Family/Documents/Sf_intro.pdf Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship (A Partnership of Cornell University and the University of Vermont): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html |
New Jersey | Rutgers State University, NJ Agricultural
Experiment Station Web Site - Food Innovation Research & Extension Center (FIRE): http://www.foodinnovation.rutgers.edu |
New Mexico | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, New Mexico: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=34 In the Specialty Food Business, Getting Started Is No Piece of Cake, New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service News Release: http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/news/1996/081996_testkitchen.html |
New York | Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship
(at Cornell University) http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html New York State Food Venture Center Publications (at Cornell University): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/pubs/pubs.html |
North Carolina | North Carolina State University,
Cooperative Extension Web Site - Developing a Food Business: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/foodsci/ext/programs/ncfood/faq.html North Carolina State University, Cooperative Extension Web Site - Publications for Developing a Food Business: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/foodsci/ext/programs/ncfood/pubs.html |
North Dakota | Food Entrepreneur, your
Resource Guide to the Food Industry, North Dakota State University Extension Service Online publication: http://www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/cdfs/foodent/fex-2.html Developing a New Co-Owned Agricultural Business: How do we Start a Value-Added Firm?, North Dakota State University Extension Service Publication EC-1137: http://www.ext.nodak.edu/extpubs/agecon/market/ec1137w.htm |
Ohio | Ohio State University, Food Science and
Technology Web Site - Gould Food Industries Center: http://www.fst.osu.edu/fic/foodpp.htm Ohio State University, College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Web Site - Small Business Series (Entrepreneurhsip, Home Business & Micro Enterprises): http://ohioline.osu.edu/lines/busi.html#BCDEV |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Food
and Agricultural Products Research and Technology Center
Website: http://www.fapc.okstate.edu/ |
Oregon | Oregon State university and Oregon
Department of Agriculture Web Site - Food Innovation Center: http://fic.oregonstate.edu Oregond State University, Extension Service News Release (and contact for Food Marketing Specialist) - OSU to Offer "Food School": http://extension.oregonstate.edu/news/story.php?S_No=47&storyType=news |
Pennsylvania | Penn State University, Deparment of Food
Science Web Site - Resources for Small Food Processors & Potential Entrepreneurs http://foodsafety.cas.psu.edu/processor/ent_res_text2.htm |
Rhode Island | Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneursheip
(A Partnership of Cornell University and University of Vermont): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html |
South Carolina | Starting a Food
Business: An Overview, Clemson Extension Home & Garden Information Center Publication HGIC 3867: http://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheets/HGIC3867.htm |
South Dakota | South Dakota Department of Agriculture,
Division of Ag Development Web Site - The Value Added And Crop Marketing Program: http://www.state.sd.us/doa/ag_dev/marketing/crop.htm State food safety contacts for Cooperative Extension Service, South Dakota: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=46 |
Tennessee | Getting Started in a
Food Manufacturing Business in Tennessee, University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Publication PB1399: http://utextension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/pb1399.pdf Starting Your Own Wine Business, University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Publication PB1688: http://utextension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/PB1688.pdf Considerations for a Value-Added Agribusiness, University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Publication PB1642: http://utextension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/pb1642.pdf Design and Construction of Food Processing Operations, University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Service Publication ADC Info #18: http://cpa.utk.edu/pdffiles/adc18.pdf |
Texas | Texas A&M University, Texas Cooperative
Extension Web Site - Home-Based & Micro Business, Entrepreneurship: http://fcs.tamu.edu/money/your_business/index.php Adding Value to Agricultural Products, Texas A&M University Agricultural Extension Service Publication L-5361: http://tcebookstore.org/pubinfo.cfm?pubid=1302 Evaluating Your Value-Added Business Plan, Texas A&M University Agricultural Extension Service Publication L-5438: http://tcebookstore.org/pubinfo.cfm?pubid=1708 |
Utah |
State food safety contacts for Cooperative Extension Service, Utah: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=49 |
Vermont | Northeast center for Food Entrepreneurship (A Partnership of Cornell University and University of Vermont): http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/necfe/index.html |
Virginia | Starting a Food
Processing Business in Virginia, Virginia Tech Cooperative Extension Publication 348-963: http://ext.vt.edu/food-health/food-innovations/business.html |
Washington | Producing Value-Added
Products for Market: Start with Food Safety, Washington State University Cooperative Extension Publication EB-1902: http://cru.cahe.wsu.edu/CEPublications/eb1902/EB1902.pdf Value-Added Enterprises for Small-Scale Farmers, Washington State University Cooperative Extension, King County, Agriculture and Natural Resources Fact Sheet #518: http://www.metrokc.gov/dchs/csd/wsu-ce/agriculture/PDFs/ValueAdded.pdf Washington State University, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Web Site - Food Processing Pilot Plant: http://pilotplant.bsyse.wsu.edu |
West Virginia | State food safety contacts for Cooperative
Extension Service, West Virginia: http://www.idea.iastate.edu/foodsafety/state_contacts.asp?state_id=54 |
Wisconsin | University of Wisconsin, Cooperative
Extension Web Site - Starting a Value-Added Farm-Food Business: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/agmarkets/starting.html |
Wyoming | Wyoming Business Council Division of
Agriculture. If your business is agriculture-related, the Wyoming Business Council Division of Agriculture may be able to offer you assistance with marketing, market research and training. Call Bill Bunce at (307) 777-6581. http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/SBDC/starting/opportunities.htm Wyoming Business Council Web Site - Promoting Products "Made in Wyoming": http://www.wyomingbusiness.org/ag/ag_wyfirst.aspx University of Wyoming, Small Business Development Center Web Site: http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/SBDC/ |
Credit is due to Brian A. Nummer, Ph.D. and Elizabeth L. Andress, Ph. D., both of the National Center for Home Food Preservation for most of this information!
Water bath canner with a jar rack
Pressure canners for gas, electric and induction stoves: Presto 23Qt or T-fal 22Qt
Canning scoop (this one is PERFECT)
Ball Blue book (most recent version)
Jars: 8oz canning jars for jams
Farm markets and roadside stands
Road trips and camping resources
Local Honey, apiaries, beekeepers
Consumer fraud and scams information
Home canning supplies at the best prices on the internet!
Maple Syrup Farms, sugarworks, maple syrup festivals
Environmental information and resources
Farms For Your Event for birthday parties, weddings, receptions, business meetings, retreats, etc.
Festivals - local fruit and vegetable festivals
Get the
most recent version of
the Ball Blue Book
With this Presto 23 quart pressure canner and pressure cooker, you can "can" everything, fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, salsa, applesauce, pickles, even meats, soups, stews. Model 01781
You can make jams, jellies, can fruit, applesauce, salsa and pickles with water bath canners, like this Granite Ware 12-Piece Canner Kit, Jar Rack, Blancher, Colander and 5 piece Canning Tool Set